Thursday, April 24, 2014

3% Tax Increase approved for 2014

At their Special Committee of the Whole meeting this past Tuesday to finish 2014 Budget Discussions - Williams Lake Council by a 4-2 vote (Councillor Danica Hughes was absent from the meeting) recommended a 2014 Budget with a 3% tax increase over last year with Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Surinderpal Rathor opposed.  This recommendation will be considered for approval at their April 29th meeting.  The deadline to have the entire budget process done (Adopt Budget/Tax Rates Bylaws) is Thursday, May 15th

Councillor Rathor, on his Councillor Surinderpal Rathor FB Page, feels strongly that leaving money in your pocket is better than in a reserve at City Hall.  Read more here while you can read more from the Williams Lake Tribune here

For myself - I hear where Councillors Bonnell/Rathor are coming from but given my role as a Alternate Director with the Regional District for roughly the last year or so - a 0% tax increase tends to solve little and causes more financial problems down the road…


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