Friday, April 11, 2014

Clarification - April 8th NCJPC Mtg

Earlier this week - I had reported on the April 8th North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee decision to recommend to the CRD Board the June 14th Referendum question for the North Cariboo Arena 1 Replacement project along with the necessary Loan Authorization Bylaw to be put to voters' within the North Cariboo Parks/Recreation Function area

Late yesterday evening - Cariboo RD Area C Director John Massier informed me that my previous blog post on this subject was inaccurate.  He advises me that the decision to ask the CRD Board for the approval of the June 14th Referendum Question and 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading of Loan Authorization Bylaw #4905 was agreed to unanimously by the entire North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee and not by majority vote as I had previously wrote.  The blog post in question has now been corrected which you can read here

My apologies for any confusion that the original blog post may have created and thanks to CRD Area C Director John Massier for providing me with the clarified information...


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