Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Has the BC NDP lost touch with provincial voters?

Yesterday, in what I thought initially was a 'April Fools' joke and turns out wasn't, former BC Premier Mike Harcourt (BC NDP from 1991-96) announced that he was not renewing his NDP membership for reasons which include:

* Flip Flop on Kinder Morgan in 2013 BC Election
* Opposition to Carbon Tax in 2009 BC Election
* Carole James' ouster as BC NDP Leader in 2010

Read more here (CBC), here (Vaughn Palmer of Vancouver Sun) and here (Globe and Mail)

Gary Mason from the Globe and Mail says the BC NDP could pay a heavy price for making a moderate provincial NDP Leader like Mike Harcourt feel like he was 'scorned' - read here

Meanwhile - Adrian Dix, Mike Farnworth and Johh Morgan acknowledged the 'mess' the NDP are in but expressed regret about the actions of Mr. Harcourt.  As long as this is the case - I wonder if the NDP are truly ready to govern this province for failing to acknowledge and work with moderates like Mike Harcourt were/are

Meanwhile - former Fraser-Nicola MLA (2009-2013) Harry Lali talks about the question Are the NDP out of touch with Rural BC? Listen to the interview with CBC Kamloops here

Finally - with a NDP Leadership Vote scheduled for September 2014 and their performance in the House to date- I wonder if the voters' of BC are ready for a NDP government? At this point - it doesn't appear so for the very foreseeable future… both on a local and provincial level


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