Tuesday, April 8, 2014

May 1st Forestry Consultations in Williams Lake

Via Williams Lake Tribune website:

consultation meeting on forest tenures has been set for May 1 in Williams Lake, the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations announced on its website Monday.
Stakeholders, who have been invited to meet with former chief forester Jim Snetsinger, who is leading the consultation  should arrange a meetings by completing a Stakeholder Registration Form.
People can check the in-person invitations page to see if their group is on the list.
If someone is on the list but has not yet received an invitation, it should arrive in the mail soon. Lletters were mailed on April 1, the ministry noted.
If people are not on the list but feel they should have been included, they are asked to e-mail a meeting request to forest.tenures@gov.bc.ca and efforts will be made to accommodate the request.
The registration deadline to attend the meeting in Williams Lake is Friday, April 18.
Ministry staff will reply with confirmation of the meeting location and time within one week of the registration deadline.
People are also invited to review discussion paper and provide their input at: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/foresttenures.

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