Tuesday, April 8, 2014

WL Council Highlights - April 8th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias


Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Rena Schill - Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Technician

Meeting called to order at 6:02pm
Meeting Agenda approved/March 25th WL Council meeting minutes adopted


Fred Thomas, President - Williams Lake Stampede Association and Jamie Tanis, Stampede Queens Director appeared before Council to present the 2014-15 WL Stampede Queen contestants

• Michelle Ball, Miss Clusko Logging Enterprises Ltd.
• Matina Durfeld, Miss Minton Creek Ranch
• Kyra Stuart, Miss Eldorado


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending March 27 and April 3, 2014

2) Council received the 2014 First Quarter Economic Indicators Report for information

3) Council directed Staff to publish in a local newspaper notice of availability of the parcel tax rolls for inspection and the requirements and time frame for lodging complaints/challenging the rolls; and further, that Council schedule tentative dates for the Parcel Tax Roll Reviews to be held in Council Chambers as follows, if required:

- Water and Sewer: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 @ 10:00 AM;
- Water and Sewer-South Lakeside: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 @ 10:15 AM;
- Downtown Parking and Beautification: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 @ 10:30 AM.

4) Council adopted a Resolution to recommend issuance of a Liquor Primary Licence for the Williams Lake Golf & Tennis Club located at 104 Fairview Drive to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch

5) Council gave 1st and 2nd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2211, 2014 (WCD Holdings Ltd - Development of new Lake City Ford dealership at 800 Highway 97 North) and set a Public Hearing date of April 29th at 7pm in WL Council Chambers

6) Council supported applying to UBCM for funding for the proposed Community Operation Fuel Management Projects behind Woodland Drive and along Borland Road (150 Mile House)

7) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the following:

a) Staff to organize an electric fencing demonstration in conjunction with WildSafe BC Staff at 2:00 PM on Saturday, May 10, 2014, as well as a table at the "Seedy Saturday" event at the Carson Memory Garden from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on May 10th, to educate the public about yard-related bylaws and urban hen and beekeeping licensing requirements and regulations; and

b) submission of an application to WildSafe BC for funding of a WildSafe Community Coordinator and Program in Williams Lake with a contribution of $2,500 towards this partnership, subject to approval of grant funding

8) Council approved the installation of additional 2 hour parking restriction signs on the even numbered side of the 200 block of Second Avenue North

9) Council awarded the contract for 2014 to 2016 Pavement Marking services to Yellowhead Pavement Marking Inc. for the tendered price of $251,439.40, and the additional funds for 2014 be allocated from the Pavement Maintenance account by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Ivan Bonnell

Editor's Note - more on this story from the Rush here

10) Council received an revised Development Permit application (DP #6-2013) for McDonald's Restaurant on Broadway Avenue. The application will be formally considered by Council at its' April 29th meeting

11) Council received an application for Development Variance Permit #5-2014 at 690 2nd Avenue North to vary the Rear Setbacks for the proposed Autism Facility. This application will be formally considered by Council at its' April 29th meeting

12) Council received an application for Development Variance Permit #6-2014 at 1923 Boe Place to vary the Minimum Front, Rear & Interior Side Lot Line Setback. This application will be formally considered by Council at its' April 29th meeting

13) Council received an application for Development Permit #1-2014 at 20 Broadway Avenue North (Redevelopment of Front Facade, Parking Area & Landscaping). This application will be considered by Council at its' April 29th meeting

14) Council adopted a Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendation as follows:

That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #07-2014, the report of the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society (CCACS) presented by Graham Kelsey regarding recommendations for the 2014 CCACS Grant Program be received; and further, that the recommendations contained therein be endorsed as follows:

• 150 Mile Greenbelt, Trail & Heritage Society = $1,100
• Arts on the Fly Festival Society = $1,500
• Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre = $2,000
• Cariboo Chilcotin Metis Association = $1,800
• Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium = $1,200
• Cedar City Museum/Cedar Point Park Board = $1,100
• Community Arts Council of Williams Lake = $2,000
• Horsefly River Roundtable Society = $2,000
• Medieval Market Organizing Team = $1,500
• Orange Shirt Day Committee = $1,850
• Scout Island Nature Centre = $1,500
• Soda Creek Indian Band (Xatsull First Nation) = $1,000
• Station House Studio and Gallery Society = $2,000
• Williams Lake Studio Theatre = $1,000
• Williams Lake Writer’s Group = $415
• Women’s Contact Society = $1,500

GRAND TOTAL = $23,465

15) Council gave approval for the annual Relay for Life event on May 31st/June 1st, 2014

16) Council received the March 26th Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee minutes

17) Council received the update from the Beetle Action Coalitions' dated April 1, 2014 on the Rural BC Project

18) Council authorized a request from the WL Stampede Association to replace the existing Let 'R' Buck Stage with a new log structure subject to the appropriate permit(s) being obtained.

19) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy funding application to the Province' Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP) to help fund their Adult Literacy programs and events.

20) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of April 8th as follows:

• March 2014 - Victim Services & Crime Prevention Information Bulletin;
• March 2014 - Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development eNewsletter;
• March 25, 2014 - NCLGA Connector No. 126;
• March 28, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights;
• April 1, 2014 - BC Community Forest Association News Update.
• April 7, 2014 - Save-On Foods 2014 BC Children's Hospital Jeans Day Fundraiser.

21) Council received an update from the City Manager on municipal affairs - read the report here

Meeting recessed at 6:58pm for the Public Hearing on Bylaw #2208
Meeting resumed at 7:06pm

22) After a mandatory public hearing - Council gave 3rd reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2208, 2014 and referred it to the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure for approval, pursuant to Section 52 of the Transportation Act by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Danica Hughes

Members of Council gave oral reports on their recent activities

Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm and Council then convened a Closed Meeting (IN-Camera) pursuant to Sections 92 and 90(1)(a - appointments) of the Community Charter

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