Friday, May 30, 2014

Local Gov' Mtgs - Week of June 2-6

This upcoming week -- only Williams Lake Council & the Cariboo Regional District Board will be meeting.  Details below:

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, June 3rd at 6pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom.  Items on the Agenda include:

* 2 Delegations - BC Transit re: Transit Fees & Local Community Arts Council re: Aboriginal Day Mural in Boitanio Park

* Business - On-street Disabled Parking recommendations/amendment to Zoning Bylaw re: Disabled Parking, 2nd Hand Stores Bylaw, 'Good Neighbour' Bylaw and proposed changes to Accessibility Committee Terms of Reference

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District:

June 5th at 1pm - Committee of the Whole meeting at Alexis Cr. Community Hall (2620 Stum Lake Rd).  On the Agenda:

* Audio Recording Policy
* Investment Policy
* Changes to Purchase Policy
* CRD Website Posting Guidelines
* Raising the profile of the Cariboo RD

View the full Agenda here

June 6th - At 9:30am, a Regular of the CCRHD Board (local Hospital District) meeting will take place at the CRD Boardroom (180D North 3rd Avenue, Williams Lake).  On the Agenda:

* 2 Capital Expenditure Bylaws for Adoption - Dunrovin Park Lodge (Sprinkler System) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (funded jointly with Thompson Regional Hospital District in Kamloops)

* Hospital Consent Calendar

View the full Agenda here

Then at 9:45am - the Cariboo RD Board will convene its' regular meeting.  On their Agenda:

* 1 Delegation -- Emily MacNair, BC Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Coordinator, will appear before the Board to present the final report on the Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.

* Business - A number of bylaws up for 3rd Reading/Adoption; Recommendations from North/South Rural Caucus/Joint Committees or sub-region Committees; Request from Area L Director Bruce Rattray to "offset the cost of the Interlakes Economic Association's attendance at the 2014 Bio-Energy Conference scheduled to take place June 11-13, 2014 in Prince George" If approved - funds would come from the Area 'L' Special Projects Fund.

Also - there will be an In-Camera meeting under Section 90(1a - appointments) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

Finally - next Wednesday (June 4th) residents within the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Function area (All of Quesnel + portions of Cariboo RD Areas A,B,C and I) will get their first opportunity to vote on the request to borrow up to $7.5 million over 20 years for a new Arena 1 in Quesnel

Voting Location - CD Hoy Room, Quesnel City Hall (410 Kinchant St).  

Voting Requirements:

When heading to the polls, you must bring at least two pieces of ID. One of them must have a signature. Between the two, they should prove your address, but if you do not have something with your current address you are allowed to make a formal declaration of residency. Picture identification is not necessary. Typical examples of ID that people use are driver's license, BCID, firearms license, CareCard, credit card, SIN, status card, bank card, etc. Even a utility bill will work as a secondary piece of ID.

Questions about the voting process should be directed to the Cariboo Regional District’s Chief Election Officer, Alice Johnston ( at (250) 392-3351 or 1-800-665-1636 or Deputy Chief Election Officer, Gina Albers (, from the City of Quesnel at 250-992-2111

Meanwhile - you can read the latest info on the project here

New Cariboo RD Website

This morning - the new Cariboo Regional District website went 'live'.

This is been a summary of work that has gone on for many months now.  I am pleased with the new website so far.  It's clean and simple for those who are not 'technologically' advanced like I am and should make accessing information about the Cariboo Regional District and its' activities very easy to do

Check it out here


No School in SD27 Monday

Courtesy of SD #27 Superintendent Mark Thiessen:

May 29th, 2014

The BCTF, the union representing teachers, has informed the school district that they will again be engaged in rotating strikes and will be withdrawing teaching services in School District No. 27 on Monday, June 2.

During that time, schools and other locations will be picketed. I expect that all union personnel in our schools may be directed by their executives not to cross the picket lines. Should this occur, I also expect that each school will have very limited, and in some case, no teaching or support staff to supervise students.

While schools will continue to be open and Principals and Vice Principals will be present, there will be no instruction. For safety reasons I ask that parents keep all children home from classes on Monday, June 2. I will be directing the busses not to run on Monday, June 2.

Also, most programs will not be running in our district schools on Monday, June 2. Programs not running include all StrongStart programs, before and after-school daycares, or use by community user groups (on a rotating strike day, pickets are considered to be up from midnight to midnight). Full-day daycares which lease space in our school facilities may be operating on this day. Please check with your full-day daycare provider to confirm the status of the daycare on Monday, June 2.

Thank you for your patience. We know that you share with us the desire to return to normal operations as quickly as possible and that this dispute will be concluded quickly. In the meantime, we will do our best to keep you informed in a timely manner.

For further information regarding items related to the current job action and lockout, please visit the School District No. 27 website at On the link entitled “Questions and Answers re Strike and Lockout“, you will find more information regarding extracurricular activities, field trips, and teachers being covered by WorkSafeBC during the lockout. Local media outlets will continue to provide emergent information.

Classes will resume as normal on Tuesday, June 3. In the event that further strike action continues the following week, another parent information bulletin will be sent home in advance of dates that are selected by the BCTF.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

MLA Barnett on BC Beef Day (updated)

Update - Thursday, May 29th at 10:15pm:

Original Blog Post - May 26th:

This morning in the BC Legislature - Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett spoke on BC Beef Day which takes place this Thursday as follows:

Thank you, hon. Speaker, for the opportunity to speak to something of special importance to many — to myself and to rural British Columbia — the ranching and beef industry. May 29 is B.C. Beef Day. In partnership with the B.C. Cattlemen's Association, the B.C. Association of Cattle Feeders and the B.C. Association of Abattoirs, we honour all the cattle ranchers and farmers who work and make their living in the beef industry.

It's a tough job but one that is a way of life for many British Columbians. B.C. ranchers take pride in filling the first role in the beef production chain. Ranching is also an important part of the history, environment, economy and future of British Columbia.

The annual B.C. Beef Day is a great example of our government and the agrifood industry working together to promote local foods and generate economic benefits for B.C.'s food producers and communities. It is of great importance to our economy and agriculture sector, as there are 5,069 farms reporting beef cattle, and 1,593 were feedlot operations. There are 60 provincially licensed abattoirs, and 36 are for red meat. The total economic contribution of the industry is estimated at $600 million annually or 0.25 percent of the provincial GDP.
B.C. ranchers occupy more than five million acres of private land and have tenure on a further 21.5 million acres of Crown land. It's impossible to travel this province without noticing the beef industry, whether it's driving through ranch land, past a feedlot or stopping for a burger at a road side restaurant. As part of B.C. Beef Day, local community organizations are encouraged to have community barbecues and to partner with local grocery stores to celebrate.

The B.C. Legislature also hosts a barbecue to celebrate on the back lawn. If you eat beef, then, you have an interest in B.C. Beef Day. As more and more of us develop grocery stores to celebrate. The B.C. Legislature also hosted a barbecue to celebrate on the back lawn.

If you eat beef then you have an interest in B.C. Beef Day. As more and more of us develop an awareness of where our food comes from, it is important that we stay informed about the cattle industry in British Columbia. Our government is committed to promoting local foods, and we look forward to continuing to work with the industry on a certified-B.C. beef label. The certified-B.C. beef logo on beef products, from prime cuts in fine restaurants to ground beef in the meat case at your local grocery, guarantees that the beef was born, raised, fed and processed in British Columbia. That is something to be truly proud of.

It is also worth highlighting the many positive effects the beef industry can have on the environment. The agriculture industry is closely tied with the environment. Ranchers know that a healthy environment and good business go hand in hand. Cattle, like all living things, have a place in nature's cycle, contributing to its balance by consuming and returning nutrients to their natural surroundings. Pasture lands used to feed livestock play a large role in cleaning our air. Carbon is absorbed through the extensive root systems on grasslands, in some cases working more effectively than trees.

Most land used in cattle production is unsuitable for crops. Ranching enables this land to contribute to food production. Ultimately, when you think of it, cattle production uses simple resources like sun, soil and grass to grow a healthy, safe and delicious product.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today on the importance of cattle ranching and the hard work B.C. ranchers do in our province.

And after BC NDP MLA Nick Simons (Powell River-Sunshine Coast) responded to the statement, MLA Barnett concluded with:

Our (BC Liberals) goal has always been to support agriculture and the people who work in it. We are protecting valuable farmland and further supporting farming families in the farming sector. A one-size-fits-all approach to regulating the use of farmland does not reflect this reality. We want to help farmers and ranchers, many of whom are from my constituency, grow their business and earn a better living.

Initiatives by our government such as the provincial Buy Local program with the B.C. Association of Cattle Feeders are helping introduce retailers and consumers to the certified B.C. beef brand in order to build relationships and promote these fine local products.

B.C. beef is safe, as the industry practises safe and healthy methods in all production aspects, including animal health, transportation, food safety and traceability. The B.C. cattle industry is extremely diverse and includes small hobby farms, diversified operations and large cattle ranchers.

Most land in cattle production is unsuitable for crops. Ranching enables this land to contribute to food production. Many ranchers collaborate with environmental and conservation groups to develop and protect areas on both private and government lands. B.C. beef producers are true land stewards and work to protect and sustain lands through a variety of programs and management practices. We support our farmers and ranchers and are pleased this week to celebrate B.C. Beef Day.

WL High Schools students encouraged to serve on Jr Council

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake high school students interested in offering their ideas for Williams Lake and learning about local government are invited to apply to serve on Williams Lake Junior Council for the 2014-2015 term.
The Junior Council is a group of high school students from Grades 10-12 that suggest ideas that could enhance life for youth in our city. Junior Council members are appointed by City Council and provide a youth voice to decisions made by the city. It is an opportunity to learn about and participate in the process of local government.
Each year Junior Council sets learning goals and then chooses one or more projects to work on. Junior Council receives group facilitator and leadership training, an orientation to city operations, and participates in Council committee meetings. Over the past year they have participated in International Women’s Day, judged the regional Diversity Logo contest, hosted a volunteer fair for youth, organized Pay It Forward Day, learned about logo design and created a Junior Council logo, and helped out with the City Birthday Party.
“We get a lot of requests for Junior Council to get involved in community events and activities,” says Anne Burrill, who provides staff support to the group. “This year with the municipal election there will be opportunities to learn about that process as well.”
“City Council has been impressed by the enthusiasm and ideas of our Junior Councils,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “I encourage anyone with an interest in local government with ideas to share to apply. We’re looking forward to the next Junior Council term!”
Those interested are asked to submit an application explaining why you are interested and why you think you would be a good choice for Junior Council. Include your name, address, phone number, school, and grade (Sept. 2014). Send your letter by June 16 to:
Junior Council Applications 
City of Williams Lake 
450 Mart Street 
Williams Lake, BC 
V2G 1N3
Applications can also be dropped off at City Hall. Application forms are available at City Hall, school offices, from a current Junior Council member or on the City website:
Additional Info...

2 new swims at Complex - June 2

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake would like to inform residents that due to the teacher job action affecting area schools on Monday, June 2, there are a number of changes to program schedules.

The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex has added a morning Rec Swim, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and an afternoon Toonie Swim, from 1-2:30 p.m., to the June 2 schedule.

Unfortunately Rec and Roll after school care has been cancelled and new registrations are not being taken for this day. Rec and Roll registrants have been notified of the cancellations.

If teacher job action continues, the City will ensure that registrants are informed of any program changes as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee - May 28th mtg

Present from City of WL: Co-Chair K. Cook (Meeting Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Walters and Zacharias

Present from CRD: Co-Chair J. Sorley, Director B. Kemp and Alternate Director S. Forseth


D. Garceau - City Mgr, Williams Lake
G. Paynton - Director of Community Services, Williams Lake
D. Radolla - Active Living Mgr, Williams Lake
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer, CRD
D. Campbell - Mgr of Community Services, CRD

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm by Co-Chair Cook

Meeting agenda approved
CCJC April 23rd meeting minutes approved


Ralph Adams from the BC Ministry of Environment appeared before the Committee to discuss Air Quality in the Williams Lake area

A Question/Answer period ensued

Co-Chair Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Adams for his time/information


1) Positive Ticketing Program - City of WL

The Mgr of Active Living presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued

Resolved -  That the Council Report from Deb Radolla, Manager of Active Living, City of Williams Lake, dated May 16, 2014, regarding the Positive Ticketing Program, be received and endorsed.

2) Esler Recreation Advisory Commission Spring Meeting Minutes and Recommendations

Discussion ensued


a) That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated May 21, 2014, regarding minutes from the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held May 1, 2014, be received. Further that the following recommendation from the Commission be endorsed:

That the proposed capital projects for each user group be approved including: the soccer associations will construct bleachers and install playground equipment,the slo-pitch league will construct dugouts and bleachers, and the minor fastball league will rebuild a retaining wall and upgrade its concession building. And further that $5,000 for the approved capital projects for each user group be approved as allocated in the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services (CCRLS) budget and business plan for 2014.

b) That the following recommendation from the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held May 1, 2014, be endorsed:

That a report from Western Water Associates confirming that the overall annual water use at the Esler Sports Complex can be increased from 1.85 million USG to 2.5 million USG, be received. Further that the Use and Occupancy Agreements for each group at the complex be amended to reflect the new water allocations as follows: Soccer - 2,000,000 USG; Minor Fastball - 150,000 USG; Slow Pitch - 350,000 USG and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the revised agreements.

c) That the following recommendation from the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held May 1, 2014, be endorsed:

That the advisory commission members for 2014 be appointed as follows: Linda Barbondy for the WL Slo-pitch League, Luke Moger for the WL Soccer Associations, Michelle Tenning for the WL Minor Fastball Association and Judy Reilander and Judy Newbery for the Esler Community Association.

3) Pool Renovations and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes - May 14, 2014

Discussion ensued

Resolved - That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated May 21 2014, regarding the Cariboo Memorial Complex Pool Renovations and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes of May 14, be received.

4) Results of Special Voting - 2014 Canada Day celebration

Discussion ensued

Resolved - That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated
May 21, 2014, regarding the following resolution passed on May 15th,

That background information including a letter from the WL Central Business
Improvement Area (BIA) regarding Canada Day, the Central Cariboo Arts and
Culture fee for service agreement with the BIA and a proposed plan for
delivering the event from Geoff Paynton, Director of Community Services at the
City of Williams Lake, be received. Further, that the service agreement with the
BIA be amended to remove Canada Day from the events listed and that the fee
payable to the BIA be reduced by $1,500 and that $1,500 be provided to the City
of Williams Lake for the coordination of Canada Day in 2014

be received.

5) Action Page

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Action Page be received with Items #1 and #3 being deleted

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook, Councillors Walters, Zacharias, Directors Kemp, Sorley and Alternate Director Forseth

Negative - Councillor I. Bonnell

Meeting recessed at 8:05pm to go In-Camera in accordance with Sections 92 and 90(1)(K - negotiations) of the Community Charter

Meeting resumed at 8:30pm

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 8:40pm

Central Cariboo Rural Caucus - May 28th mtg

Present: Chair J. Sorley, Director B. Kemp and Alternate Director S. Forseth

Staff: A. Johnston - Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 3:35pm
Meeting Agenda approved
March 26th CCRC Mins approved

Discussion Items - Rural Caucus members discussed a submission for the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce "Whats Happening with you?" - Orange Shirt Day and gave input to the Chair

Meeting concluded at 3:45pm

108 Mile Recycling Service

In the last few days - I've had people looking for information on the recycling service at 108 Mile Ranch

CRD Chair/Area 'G' Director Al Richmond offers the following:

Garbage will be picked up first on Wednesdays but recycling will be picked up first on Thursdays. The recyclables all have to be weighed and this way they only have to make one trip to the scale on Thursday after all the recyclables have been collected. The truck needs to be cleaned between garbage runs and recycling to avoid contaminating the recyclables. Totes will need to be left out up to 5 p.m. on the days that both recycling and garbage are collected. All recycling picked up at curbside on the 108 is delivered to after it has been weighed Gold Trail. This is necessary as we have to report volumes to MMBC

Should you have any further questions - you can contact Chair Al Richmond via email here or by phone at 250-791-5477

Also - see below for a guide on Recycling at 108 Mile, courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WL Council Highlights - May 27th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Corporate Officer/Mgr of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Operations
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Tech.
Tom Chung - IT Mgr
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm
Meeting agenda approved/Mins of May 13th WL City Council meeting approved


1) Stuart Ballantyne - CEO, Mike Davis - Director of Marketing & Communications and Anthony Everett - Board Chair from the 2015 Canada Winter Games Host Society appeared before Council to discuss 2015 Canada Winter Games Update

2) Eileen Campbell and Heather Robertson, Williams Lake ALS Walk Coordinators appeared before Council to discuss 2014 ALS Awareness Week Proclamation & Event Info

3) WL Junior Councillors Rebekah Corbett, Hanna Hett, Tanner Nickel, Monica Rawlek, Brooklyn Thiessen & Gagan Vaid appeared before Council to discuss their 2013/14 Activities


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending May 15 and 22, 2014

2) Council approved DVP #7/14 - WCD Holdings Ltd, 800 Highway 97 North: Utilities Servicing from "Underground" to "Overhead"

3) After hearing from 1 member of the public - Council approved DP #2-2014 - WCD Holdings Ltd, 800 Highway 97 North: Development of Automobile Sales & Service Centre

4) Council received a DVP Application for 1717 Renner Road pertaining to Rear Yard Setback Reduction. This application will be considered by Council at its' June 24th meeting

5) Council agreed to pledge continued partnership in BC Hydro's "Power Smart Program".

6) After receiving Ministry of Transportation approval, Council adopted Bylaw #2211 (WCD Holdings Ltd. - 800 Highway 97 North)

7) Council adopted 2 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #13-2014, the letters from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and Citizens Committee dated May 9, 2014 and May 20, 2014, respectively, be received and Council advise the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure that they have no objections to the first three bullets, request further consultation with area residents/businesses on bullets 4 & 5 and additional information on bullet 6 and Staff be requested to report back to Council.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Rathor

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #14-2014, Council contribute any funds available in the Council Contingency Fund to the development of the City's float entry in the 2014 Stampede Parade.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor D. Hughes

8) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake BIA regarding financial support in the amount of $5,000 towards their 2014 Alley Art Mural Mentorship Project and referred the letter to its' Community Services Committee for further review/recommendations to Council

9) Council proclaimed the week of June 8 to 14, 2014 as "ALS Awareness Week" in the City of Williams Lake

10) Council adopted the annual Williams Lake Stampede Proclamation

11) Council proclaimed June 1st as "Intergenerational Day" and June 15th as "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" in the City of Williams Lake

12) Council received their 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• April 25, 2014 - BC Victims of Homicide re Homicide Loss Support Group Facilitators Training in Prince George in June;
• May 2 & 7, 2014 - Letters from the Ministry of Justice re Province-Wide Earthquake Preparedness Consultation;
• May 8, 2014 - BC Federation of Labour re Commitment to BC Shipbuilding Industry;
• May 8, 2014 - Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure re BC Coastal Ferry System;
• May 9, 2014 - Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations re Update on Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan in Cariboo Region;
• May 9, 2014 - Williams Lake Indian Band Media Release re Successful First Nations Land Management Vote;
• May 9, 2014 - Williams Lake Indian Band Media Release re Partnership with Lake Excavating;
• May 9, 2014 - TELUS re Significant Capital Investments in Williams Lake;
• May 9, 2014 - Northern Medical Program Trust Release re Approval of 2014 Disbursements;
• May 16, 2014 - e-Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 5;
• May 16, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights.

13) Council received a report from Mayor Cook outlining her monthly activities for the period ending May 20th - read that report here

A Roundtable discussion ensued where members of Council gave updates on their activities

Council agreed to adjourn at 8:02pm

Letter 'B' Newsletter - May 2014 edition

In her latest edition of the Letter 'B' newsletter - Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren reports on the following:

Hello from Me to You across Electoral Area B
Upcoming Events and Meetings
$15G to Support Healthy Communities in Area B – Healthy Communities Neighbourhood Project – Phase 2
Fire Departments in Area B – THANK A FIRE FIGHTER TODAY
Proposed North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project (REFERENDUM – JUEN 14TH!!!!)
Rural Recreation – Ten Mile Lake / Moose Heights
Rural Recreation – Bouchie Lake / Milburn Lake

Read the full version below:

Monday, May 26, 2014

City of WL Legal Costs - 2003 to present

In March of this year - Williams Lake Tribune interviewed Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook on 2013 Legal costs which you can read here

However, in the Tribune story - legal costs were reviewed since 2008.  Let us look at the last 3 City Councils led by 3 Mayors - Rick Gibson (2002-2005), Scott Nelson (2005-2008) and Kerry Cook (2008-present) and their legal costs

Legal Costs - Rick Gibson's Council (2002-2005)

2003 - $48,810.32
2004 - $88,199.39
2005 - $103,468.11

Grand Total - $240,477.82

Legal Costs - Scott Nelson's Council (2005-2008)

2006 - $84,479.38
2007 - $47,166.94
2008 - $72,896.19

Grand Total - $204,542.51

Legal Costs - Kerry Cook's 1st Council (2008-2011)

2009 - $155,615.53
2010 - $113,505.73
2011 - $89,827.89

Grand Total - $358,949.15

Legal Costs - Kerry Cook's 2nd Council (2011-present)

2012 - $109,645.75
2013 - $299,854.32
2014 - Roughly $30,000 as of this writing

Grand Total to date - $439,500.07

Further notes on this topic:

Severance Paid Out by Mayor:

Rick Gibson - 1 in 2003: $56,666
Scott Nelson - None
Kerry Cook:

2009: 2 totalling $71,972.50
2010: 1 totalling $86,009.19
2012: $15,000 (Human Right Tribunal Payout) & Paid Leave for 2 employees in 2012/13 totalling $56,296.41

2013 Legal Costs Breakdown

Fire Protection Agreement with Cariboo RD- $30,000 (Cariboo RD spent roughly $40,000 in legal costs on this same topic)

2013 Civic Strike - $100,000

Day to day City business - $30,500

Balance ($139,354.72) – Personnel issues. Information is protected under Section 14 and 22 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of FOIPPA

Secondary Suites Pub Hearing Tuesday in Quesnel

Tomorrow evening at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor, 410 Kinchant St) - Quesnel City Council will hold a public hearing on Bylaws 1734/1735 to permit Secondary Suites in all single family dwellings subject to an approved Building Permit.  Read the Public Hearing Notice here

Meanwhile - you can read the above mentioned bylaws here

Lots of written input so far so make sure you get to provide yours!


Esdilagh (Alexandria) First Nation demands profit sharing from Gibraltar Mine

This past weekend - TNG Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse went after Taseko Mines over lack of an Impact Benefit Agreement with the Esdilagh (Alexandria) First Nation which is north of McLeese Lake - read that story here

Today - both Chief Alphonse and Brian Battison were both interviewed by CBC Daybreak Kamloops over this matter as well.  Listen to the interviews here

I hope that both Taseko/Esdilagh (Alexandria) First Nation is able to reach an agreement soon, but I was personally disappointed with the tone of the interviews on CBC today.  We need to work together and get away from this "us vs them" position...


Provincial grant supports healthier living in the Cariboo

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

A total of $25,000 from the B.C. Government will be shared by Wells and the Cariboo Regional District to plan for healthier communities, Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes and Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett announced today.

The community of Wells is receiving $5,000 to support the creation of a long-term community wellness strategy. In addition, the Cariboo Regional District is receiving two grants: $15,000 to complete a community healthy living action plan for the Bouchie Lake and Parkland communities in the North Cariboo, and $5,000 to identify ways in which South and Central Cariboo mental health service providers and healthy living programs can collaborate to improve mental and physical health.

“The quality of life for all of our residents is enhanced when we work together as one to improve physical and mental health in our communities,” said Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. “I’m pleased this funding will support the Cariboo Regional District and the community of Wells improve healthy living in the Cariboo.”

“The province, local governments, organizations, and residents are coming together in support of community health and wellbeing,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “This funding allows us to work together to make our communities healthier, better places for everyone.”

This grant is awarded under the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grant, which supports local government in learning about the needs of their residents in the fields of mental health, physical activity and literacy. More than 150 applications were received from communities across the province for projects as diverse as active transportation planning and urban agriculture promotion.

“Though B.C. is one of the healthiest provinces in Canada, we must continue to work together at all levels of government to foster health-minded citizens and communities,” Minister of Health Terry Lake said. “It is important for healthy living to start where we live, work, learn and play. These grants help support local governments to work collaboratively within their communities to make lasting change in the health of British Columbians.”

Norden the Magician performing at CRD Williams Lake Library

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District Williams Lake Branch Library will host award-winning children’s entertainer, Norden the Magician on Saturday, May 31, at 2 p.m.

Norden has toured over fifty schools and over seventy libraries throughout British Columbia, and recently won first place at the 2013 PCAM Children's Entertainer of the Year contest.
Norden’s shows are educational as well entertaining; magic can be used to not only bring some laughter into a child's life, but to educate them as well. Norden's magic shows are appropriate for ages three and up.

This is a free event. Come early to get a good seat!

Further information about this event and other CRD Library events, is available by calling 250-392-3630 or email

Barlow Creek VFD education program credited with saving a young life

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Barlow Creek Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) received a visit from a local resident a couple of weeks ago during their regular practice night. The resident wanted to thank the department for the training provided to his granddaughter at school. He indicated the training which had been provided by the department at Barlow Creek Elementary, had saved her life.

He explained that his granddaughter was at home and noticed black smoke above her head. She crawled to where her dad was and told him, and then got out of the house while her father was able to extinguish the fire. The child told her family that she knew how to react as the fire department had come to her school and taught her what to do in the event of a fire.

“I am very proud of the dedication and knowledge the Barlow Creek VFD has demonstrated through this fire safety education program at the elementary school,” says CRD Electoral Area C Director John Massier. “Fire Chief Tom Maxwell, and the entire department should be very proud of their accomplishments, knowing their efforts have truly made a difference in our community and in particular, to this family.”

“Our department teaches the kindergarten class Stop, Drop and Roll and the grade three class the Fire Safety House Program each year,” says Barlow Creek Fire Chief Tom Maxwell. “We are also involved with a fire drill program at the school; this is time well spent from our perspective.”

The volunteer fire departments in your communities do far more than just put out fires and are always looking for new recruits. If you are interested in joining, and want to make life-changing differences in your community, contact your local fire department to find out how.

Congratulations to the entire Barlow Creek department on a job well done, and to all fire departments in the Cariboo Chilcotin, for the support you provide in protecting your communities.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

BCL14 - Day 2

Day 2 of the BC Liberals' 2014 Convention was full of discussions ranging from changing the Party name to consideration of Policy Resolutions

In the 1st plenary of the day - former BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen moderated a discussion around changing the Party name - both pros and cons.  Then he turned it over the Party faithful for debate.  Most members' agreed with the old saying: If it ain't broke - why fix it? and the delegates voted near unanimously to maintain the BC Liberals' brand name

In the 2nd plenary of the day - current BC Deputy Premier/Minister of Natural Gas Development Rich Coleman briefed delegates on current plans for the 2017 Election and then turned it over to Bob Rennie/Megan Howie from Brabender Cox from the US to update delegates on fundraiser efforts including a $20.17 for 2017 fundraising effort

Then in the afternoon - delegates debated policies for nearly 2 hours - 18 resolutions covering local government, health, and housing were debated and two resolutions were amended prior to them being defeated.  One resolution called on Victoria to micro-manage local government spending.  I personally spoke against this as the resolution took issue with spending by Victoria area local governments.  I felt that it was contrary to the spirit of the Community Charter which says local governments are an independent order of government and also the fact that local spending is a conversation that needs to happen every year between local taxpayers' and their elected representatives.  If local voters' are unhappy, then they'll make the appropriate decision at election time which this year will be occurring on November 15th

Finally - in the evening (and as I write this) - delegates were 'partying it up' at Prospera Place in an event called "How the West was Won".  

Tomorrow - 1 Cabinet Minister "on the hot seat"and will face questions from delegates.  I don't know who that cabinet minister will be but I'm looking forward to that session.  Also - the Women's Network will be hosting a breakfast in the morning.  Finally - there will be a Cabinet Accountability Session, followed by the BC Liberals' Provincial Council meeting and then BC Liberals' 2014 Convention will be officially adjourned


Upcoming Construction in the City of Quesnel

From the City of Quesnel website:

he Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure night paving program through Quesnel will start at 7:00 pm on Sunday, May 25 and run through to Friday, June 6.  Preparation / milling is now taking place. Please use Reid Street from Carson Avenue to Bowron Avenue on the night of Sunday, May 25 ONLY as a north bound Highway detour.  
Johnston Avenue from the traffic circle to Tuffley Street will be closed to traffic starting next week. Foot traffic will remain clear and the park will be unaffected. Crews will be replacing a storm water main and catch basins. The road will then be rebuilt and paved. Traffic can access Johnston Avenue using Moffat Avenue. Please be patient as construction on this infrastructure upgrade is expected to last several weeks.

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of May 26-30

A number of local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week as follows:

Quesnel - Regular Council Meeting on Monday, May 26th at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers.  View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Regular Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, May 27th at 6:30pm in the SD27 Boardroom.  View the full Agenda here.  Please remember no school in this District on Tuesday due to Teachers' Job Action.  More information can be viewed here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 27th at 6:00pm in WL Council Chambers.  View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, May 27th at 7:00pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers.  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

Cariboo Regional District:

Wed May 28th:

3:30pm - Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus in the CRD Committee Room - Agenda here
6:00pm - City of WL/Central Cariboo Joint Committee in the CRD Boardroom - Agenda here

The above 2 mentioned meetings take place at 180D North 3rd Avenue in Williams Lake.  Also - at the request of CRD Area D Director Deb Bischoff, I will be attending these two meetings on her behalf as the Area D Alternate Director...


Friday, May 23, 2014

BCL14 - Day 1

Today, the BC Liberal Party's 2014 Convention officially got underway after some routine proceedings taken of which including reports from the BC Liberal Party's President, Secretary and Treasurer

Had the opportunity to meet lots of delegates and discuss politics...

In the afternoon - learned a lot about a company called Medeo and how they will be, in my opinion, the wave of the future for personalized health care

I also got the opportunity to meet BC's Transportation Minister Todd Stone - what a down to earth guy! I hope I get an opportunity to meet him again in the future

Tomorrow - more work and more networking which leads to another fantastic evening event called How the West was Won

Looking forward to Saturday...


Stacking the Deck in Cariboo-PG

In an interesting if not slanted opinion piece on - Editor Ben Meisner takes a hard look at the recent changes of the Board of Directors on the Cariboo-PG Federal Conservative Electoral District Association and how that may play into a future nomination race for the Cariboo-PG Federal riding which I expect will occur no earlier than this fall and no later than Spring 2015

For disclosure purposes - I have met with one possible candidate for nomination for the 2015 Federal Conservative Nomination Race for Cariboo-PG and his name is Nick Fedorkiw.  I liked what I heard from him especially the fact that he intends to more present in the riding than we've seen of Dick Harris.  For the record - I have yet to meet Shari Green and I would like to hear her views prior to making up my mind completely while I have met Dick Harris previously at previous events where he was present in Williams Lake

Read that here

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ottawa announces Gas Tax Allotments for BC Communities

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Editor's Note - more on this story from the Vancouver Sun here

The Honourable James Moore, Minister of Industry and Minister Responsible for British Columbia, the Honourable Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for British Columbia, and Rhona Martin, President of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, celebrated today an agreement for the renewed federal Gas Tax Fund that provides predictable, stable funding for public infrastructure across British Columbia.

The federal Gas Tax Fund provides local governments with the flexibility to choose and plan infrastructure projects based on their specific priorities. The renewed agreements will govern the flow of federal funds to each province and territory over the next 10 years, from 2014-15 until 2023-24.

Since 2006, significant improvements have been made to the Gas Tax Fund; it has been extended, doubled, indexed and made permanent. By enshrining these commitments in legislation, provinces, territories and local governments are assured of an ongoing funding stream to address community infrastructure needs and priorities.

Under the renewed Gas Tax Fund, eligible categories have also been expanded, providing local governments with more flexibility than ever before to support local infrastructure.

With this agreement the Government of Canada is ensuring a seamless transition to the New Building Canada Plan, the largest long-term federal commitment to investing in Canada’s public infrastructure in our nation’s history.

Quick Facts

Canada's Gas Tax Fund transfer has provided $13 billion to Canadian communities to date. Over the 10-year life of the New Building Canada Plan from 2014 to 2024, the Gas Tax Fund will provide close to $22 billion in funding for local governments.

In total, the New Building Canada Fund will provide $53 billion in funding to communities across the country over the next decade. For British Columbia, this represents almost $3.9 billion in dedicated federal funding, including almost $1.1 billion under the New Building Canada Fund and an estimated $2.76 billion under the federal Gas Tax Fund*. British Columbia also stands to benefit from the 

Government of Canada’s following national funding programs:

$4 billion available across the country for projects of national significance,
$1.25 billion in additional funding available for public-private partnerships (P3) projects,
$10.4 billion via the GST Rebate, which provides local governments across the country with additional resources to address their infrastructure priorities

Between 2006 and 2012, British Columbia’s local governments benefited from funding from the Gas Tax Fund Agreement to support nearly 2000 local infrastructure projects. For example, during the last construction season, the federal Gas Tax Fund supported:

$28.5 million to refurbish 114 SkyTrain TransLink vehicles in Vancouver;
$1.68 million for an expanded, renovated recycling Centre in Ladysmith, Cowichan Valley Regional District;
$1.2 million for green energy projects in Fort St. John; and
$600,000 for roundabout construction on Summerland’s main traffic corridor.

Eligible investment categories under this Fund include: drinking water; wastewater; solid waste; public transit community energy systems; local roads and bridges; capacity building; disaster mitigation; broadbandconnectivity; highways; short-line rail; short-sea shipping; brownfield redevelopment; regional and local airports; and projects supporting culture, tourism, sport and recreation.

A funding table is now available for all local governments in British Columbia receiving allocated funds:

The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) administers the Gas Tax Fund in BC, in collaboration with Canada and British Columbia.

James Moore - Federal Minister responsible for BC on behalf of the Honourable Denis Lebel, Minister of Infrastructure, Communities, and Intergovernmental Affairs said:

“Our Government’s commitment to communities has never been stronger. Through our unprecedented financial support for public infrastructure, we are ensuring communities across the country enjoy a high standard of living, new economic opportunities, and a safe, healthy environment.

We are proud to support economic growth across British Columbia by supporting your infrastructure priorities through the federal Gas Tax Fund. We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with British Columbia and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, which will make this important funding available and allow communities to address their specific infrastructure priorities.”

While Hon. Coralee Oakes - BC Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development said:

“Renewing the Gas Tax Agreement sustains support for key local infrastructure projects in British Columbia over the next ten years. Achieved by a partnership between the Government of British Columbia, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the Government of Canada, the agreement provides significant funding to help B.C. communities continue to prosper as great places to live, work, invest, play and visit.”

CMRC Program changes - May 27th

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake would like to inform residents that due to the teacher strike action affecting area schools on Tuesday, May 27, there are a number of changes to program schedules.

School District 27 has indicated no user groups will be able to use schools on this day.

The Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex has added a morning Rec Swim, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and an afternoon Toonie Swim, from 1-2:30 p.m., to the May 27 schedule. Unfortunately, Tae Kwon Do scheduled from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Nesika Elementary has been cancelled. Rec and Roll after school care at Marie Sharpe Elementary for May 27 is also cancelled and new registrations are not being taken for this day. Rec and Roll and 

Tae Kwon Do registrants have been notified of the cancellations.

If teacher job action continues, the City will ensure that registrants are informed of any program changes as soon as possible.

PG Mayor Green will not seek 2nd term

Courtesy of PG Mayor Shari Green:

“I am announcing today I will not be seeking a third term in municipal office. I am sharing this decision today in order to give mayoral contenders ample time to make their intentions known and for them to begin sharing their platforms with the citizens of Prince George.

I have served two terms at City Council and it has been my honour to serve as Mayor for the city I love. It has been a privilege to lead the city while keeping taxes low, reducing crime and improving conditions for business.

My family and I would like to thank everyone for their support, faith and encouragement over the last six years.

I am considering other ways in which I will continue to serve this community and the region. In the coming days, when the time is appropriate, I
look forward to sharing that publicly.

In the meantime I will continue to remain focused on the important work that Prince George residents elected me to do.”

More on this via CBC Daybreak North here

With Green out - the race for Prince George Mayor for the 2014-18 term begins.  Names floated about "online" including PG City Councillors Lyn Hall, Brian Skakun and even Frank Everitt.  While Councillor Skakun has already ruled out a Mayor's bid on his own Facebook page, watch for Councillors Hall/Everitt to consider their own political futures prior to making any announcements

I don't expect any announcements from Hall or Everitt for a few months yet

Meanwhile - I thought Shari Green did a good job in her first term as Mayor of Prince George and I personally wish her well in her future endeavours...


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

No School on Tues May 27th in SD 27

Courtesy of SD #27 Superintendent Mark Thiessen:

The BCTF, the union representing teachers, has informed the school district that they will be engaged in rotating strikes and will be withdrawing teaching services in School District No. 27 on Tuesday, May 27.

During that time, schools and other locations will be picketed. I expect that all union personnel in our schools may be directed by their executives not to cross the picket lines. Should this occur, I also expect that each school will have very limited, and in some case, no teaching or support staff to supervise students.

While schools will continue to be open and Principals and Vice Principals will be present, there will be no instruction. For safety reasons I ask that parents keep all children home from classes on Tuesday, May 27. I will be directing the busses not to run on Tuesday, May 27.

Also, no programs will be running in our district schools on Tuesday, May 27. This includes all StrongStart programs, daycares, or use by community user groups.

The public budget presentation and Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 27 at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary in 100 Mile House has been moved to the School District No. 27 administration office in Williams Lake, beginning at 6:30pm. As always, the Board meeting can also be viewed online through a link on the district website homepage.

Thank you for your patience. We know that you share with us the desire to return to normal operations as quickly as possible and that this dispute will be concluded quickly. In the meantime, we will do our best to keep you informed in a timely manner.

For further updates please listen to media outlets and/or refer to the School District No. 27 website at Your school principal will also be able to give you information.

Classes will resume as normal on Wednesday, May 28. In the event that the rotating strikes continue to the following week, another parent information bulletin will be sent home in advance of the date that is selected by the BCTF.

Future Teachers in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

On his blog - School District #27 Superintendent Mark Thiessen writes about future teachers from the University of BC spending some time here and getting to know the Cariboo-Chilcotin

Read his informative blog post here


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Committee of Whole Mtg (WL Council) - May 20th

Present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor and Walters

Staff present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Geoff Goodall - Gen Mgr of Planning/Operations
Rena Schill - Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Jeff Bernardy - Engineering Technologist
Anne Burrill - Mgr of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:06pm

Mins of COW Mtg of May 6th approved
Mtg Agenda approved with 1 Late Item referred to COW Mtg from earlier held In-Camera meeting


Jenny Green, Catherine Whitman and Tatjana Lauzon from Interior Health (IH) appeared before the Committee to discuss IH's "Healthy Communities Initiative".  A Powerpoint Presentation was played for the Committee.  View that here

A Question and Answer period ensued.  On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved - Delegation be received and presentation be referred to Staff for a report back to Council for consideration


1) Letter from Min of Transportation re: Highway 97 Design changes (Late Item)

The Gen Mgr of Planning/Operations reviewed the letter from the Min of Transportation/Infrastructure and attached design changes (Carson Drive) with the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Council does not object to Points 1 to 3 in the letter from the Ministry however Council requests that more consultation be undertaken on Points 4 and 5 and more information is requested on Point 6

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor SPS Rathor

2) City Float for 2014 Williams Lake Stampede Parade

Councillor Walters, from the Community Services Committee, reviewed the item with the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Council task the Community Services Committee to complete the City Float project for the 2014 WL Stampede Parade and any funds required for the project be charged to the Council Contingency Fund

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Danica Hughes

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 8:01pm

MLA Oakes Constituency Report - May 11th

In her 1st Constituency Report - Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes talks about:

* North Cariboo Economy
* Local projects (Transportation/Skills Training, etc)
* Upcoming changes to local government legislation
* Williams Lake Bull Sale
* Upcoming Events - June/July 2014 (WL Stampede, Quesnel Billy Barker Days, Arts on the 'Fly)

View the video below:

MLA Coralee Oakes - May 11, 2014 from Constituency Report - BC Liberal on Vimeo.

Anahim Lake Airport Terminal officials open

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) new Anahim Lake Airport terminal was officially opened this morning. The terminal was built with support from the Government of British Columbia’s Towns for Tomorrow program, the Government of Canada’s Gas Tax Fund, the Northern Development Initiative Trust, the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition and the CRD.

The terminal will be a valuable asset at the airport as it will serve the scheduled flight service, act as the airport office, and improve service levels for visitors, tourism operators, medical personnel, RCMP and other users. During emergency events, the terminal will provide office space and a lounge area for use by emergency personnel.

While the 900-square foot building was designed to be basic and functional, various energy efficiency upgrades were included in the construction to reduce long-term operating costs, as well as reduce the Regional District’s carbon footprint. Because the Anahim Lake area is served by diesel-generated electricity, the carbon emissions reduction from the efficiency upgrades is that much more significant. It is expected the upgrades will provide an 80 per cent reduction in fossil fuel consumption and associated carbon emissions over the building systems. By including the upgrades, the Regional District will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the construction techniques and materials in a rural and remote climate

Quick facts about the project:

* Funding for the project, whose total cost is close to $920,000, was provided by a variety of sources, including $400,000 from the Government of British Columbia’s Towns for Tomorrow program, $145,860 from the federal Gas Tax Fund for energy efficiency upgrades, $100,000 from the Northern Development Initiative Trust and $73,000 from Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition. The Cariboo Regional District contributed approximately $200,000 to this project.

· The Government of Canada provides $250,697,000 in annual funding for municipal infrastructure in British Columbia through the federal Gas Tax Fund.

· The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) administers the Gas Tax Fund in BC, in collaboration with Canada and British Columbia.

Local MP Dick Harris said:

"“Our Government has made unprecedented investments in Canada’s infrastructure since 2006. We are proud to invest in important infrastructure projects, such as the improvements to the Anahim Airport, as we focus on creating jobs, promoting growth, and building strong, prosperous communities across Canada.”

Local MLA Donna Barnett also said:

"“It’s hard not to be impressed by the completion of this project. These airport improvements enhance important transportation services for businesses and residents, and the energy efficient design of the new terminal building tremendously contributes to a healthier environment. It’s a project that the B.C. Government is proud to support with a $400,000 grant through the Towns for Tomorrow program.”

Cariboo RD Chair Al Richmond stated:

"The Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition believes this project reflects the best of diversified wood and other products made right here in the Cariboo. This project supports one of CCBAC’s key objectives which is to help diversify the economies of the Cariboo and Chilcotin. Our region has led the way over the years in moving beyond dimension lumber and other traditional wood products, and has a solid reputation as a leader in the specialty and value-added wood products sector. CCBAC will continue to support projects that demonstrate innovation and diversification.”

Chad Mernett from the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition weighed in by saying:

“The Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition believes this project reflects the best of diversified wood and other products made right here in the Cariboo. This project supports one of CCBAC’s key objectives which is to help diversify the economies of the Cariboo and Chilcotin. Our region has led the way over the years in moving beyond dimension lumber and other traditional wood products, and has a solid reputation as a leader in the specialty and value-added wood products sector. CCBAC will continue to support projects that demonstrate innovation and diversification.”

Finally, Janine North - CEO of North Development finally stated:

"“The Anahim Lake Airport upgrades not only translate into real economic development in the west Chilcotin, but also the modern timber frame terminal building matches the character and style of the region. Northern Development is proud to support this project through an investment of $100,000.”

Monday, May 19, 2014

Victoria Day Statement

Courtesy of Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

“As we celebrate Victoria Day and officially mark the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Laureen and I join Canadians from coast to coast to coast in extending our warmest wishes to Her Majesty on this special occasion.

“Today, let us celebrate our rich and colourful heritage and, in particular, our enduring ties with the institution of the Canadian Crown. As an institution at the centre of our political system, the Crown and all Members of the Canadian Royal Family are an integral and valued part of our collective national identity. Victoria Day provides us with an opportunity to honour Her Majesty for her steadfast loyalty to and affection for our country and all Canadians.

“During this year’s celebrations, we are especially fortunate to host Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall as they embark on a Royal Tour of Canada. During the tour, Canadians will have the opportunity to meet Their Royal Highnesses in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Manitoba, and to demonstrate our country’s deep affection for and gratitude to our Royal Family for their service to Canada.

“On behalf of all Canadians, Laureen and I are delighted to wish Her Majesty a very happy birthday and extend our best wishes for health and happiness in the year ahead.”

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Concerned Citizens for Recreation Spending

In the 'battle of visions' to replace Arena 1 in Quesnel - residents' there have formed a group called 'Concerned Citizens for Recreation Spending' (CC4RS)

Their vision calls for a new Arena to be built where no borrowing would be required as they say it can be done within the $9.9 million that is currently banked

The referendum to borrow up to $7.5 million for a new Quesnel Arena 1 takes place on Saturday, June 14th

See the CC4RS meeting poster below:

We need a new arena done the right way
Invest in an alternative plan on the existing site

Arena public information meeting
Wed,  May 21  @ 7pm  
Best Western PLUS Tower Inn - Banquet Room
500 Reid Street, Quesnel

Friday, May 16, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of May 20 - 23

With the Victoria Day long weekend upon us - only Williams Lake Council is meeting on Tuesday, May 20th in Committee of the Whole.  On their Agenda:

* Delegation - Interior Health re: Health Communities
* City of Williams Lake Float in 2014 Stampede Parade

View the full Agenda here

Meanwhile - the Cariboo Regional District will hold 3 public hearings in 100 Mile House, Williams Lake and Quesnel in regards to zoning bylaw amendments to permit hens/bees on residential properties in rural areas.  See details below by community:

Tuesday, May 20th in 100 Mile House (The Lodge) - info here, proposed amendment bylaws here and received comments here

Wed, May 21st in Williams Lake (Cariboo RD Boardroom) - info here, proposed amendment bylaws here and received comments here

Editor's Note - at the request of Cariboo RD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff, I will attending this public hearing in my capacity as the Area 'D' Alternate Director and I encourage my fellow residents' from Area 'D' to provide me with your views on this subject.  In addition, the Directors for Areas E (Byron Kemp) and F (Joan Sorley) are expected to be in attendance or their Alternate Directors

Thursday, May 22nd in Quesnel (Seniors' Centre) - info here, proposed amendment bylaws here and received comments here


Cariboo RD Board Highlights - May 16th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Health Authority Capital Funding Approved
The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board approved a funding contribution request from Northern Health for 40 per cent of the estimated total cost of $447,000. The funding will be used for replacement of the dry sprinkler system at Dunrovin Park Lodge.

During today’s meeting the CCRHD Board also approved an additional 2014/2015 Capital Funding request from Interior Health. A total of $81,600, represents 40 per cent of the CCRHD’s share of the total cost of the replacement of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems in Cariboo Chilcotin and Thompson Regional Hospital Districts.

CRD Board Supports NDIT Grant Applications
      The CRD Board endorsed resolutions to support three grant applications for $30,000 each to the Northern Development Initiative Trust. The applications are to the Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities Program.

      An application from the Lone Butte and Horse Lake Community Association is to make improvements to the Lone Butte Community Hall including replacing the roof, upgrading the kitchen facilities, plumbing and electrical work. An application from the New Pathways to Gold Society is requesting funds to make improvements to existing snowmobile trails in the South Cariboo to create circle tours and connections to local service providers. The third application, from the Interlakes Economic Association is requesting funding to support the implementation of the Association’s Farmers’ Market Business Plan.
      These projects will support community infrastructure, increase the number of events held at the hall, and create some temporary local jobs.

5th Annual Emergency Preparedness Symposium
      On April 23, 2014, CRD Protective Services hosted the 5th Annual Emergency Preparedness Spring Symposium. The Canadian weather model is forecasting above normal temperatures in July, August and September, particularly for coastal BC. Precipitation is expected to be near normal for most of BC. The drought code numbers for the Chilcotin are high.

      According to the presenters, the current snow pack is above average at the Upper Fraser, normal at Mid Fraser and below normal further south. The Nazko, Horsefly and Puntzi had normal snow packs over the winter, but due to slow melts are at above average for this time of year. Based on the winter snow pack, indications show this should be an average spring freshet

Board on the Road
The CRD Board of Directors will be travelling to Alexis Creek on Thursday, June 5 for the next Committee of the Whole meeting followed by a Community BBQ taking place at the Alexis Creek Community Hall. The Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Friday, June 6 in the CRD Board Room in Williams Lake.

ABC Communications
      Falko Kadenbach, Vice President, and Terry Bordeleau, Executive Assistant, from ABC Communications, appeared before the Board to provide an overview of ABC Communications wireless coverage in the Cariboo Chilcotin. The presentation provided a corporate overview, coverage areas and the current technologies.

Access Awareness Day
      The CRD Board of Directors declared June 7, 2014 as Access Awareness Day throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. The annual Access Awareness Day is organized by SPARC BC, who has been partnering with the Province of British Columbia to call attention to the need for greater accessibility and inclusion of citizens with disabilities. This year’s event, being held on June 7, marks the 17th Annual Access Awareness Day and will be celebrated province wide under this year’s campaign of “Building Accessibility Together”.

Specified Risk Material
      Cariboo Regional District Board received information regarding the acceptance of beef specified risk material (SRM). Historically, the CRD has been of the understanding that beef cattle under 30 months of age were not considered SRM and could be accepted at landfills and transfer stations without violating any Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations.

CFIA recently informed the CRD that this is not the case. Any dead stock, regardless of age, is considered SRM and must be disposed of at an approved facility. The CRD has three CFIA approved sites; South Cariboo landfill, Gibraltar landfill and Big Lake landfill. CFIA requires that all other CRD waste facilities post a sign stating that SRM is banned from the facility.

Medicinal Marihuana in Heavy Industrial Zones
               After considering input from five Public Hearings throughout the Cariboo Regional District, the Board gave third reading and adoption to Bylaws that will allow Medical Marihuana Operations exclusively in Heavy Industrial zones throughout the region.

CRD Appoints Barkerville Representative
      The CRD Board of Directors endorsed a resolution from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus to appoint Electoral Area C Director John Massier to the Barkerville Heritage Trust. This will be Director Massier’s second term on the Heritage Trust.

Upcoming Meetings
June 5 – 12 p.m. – COW -  Alexis Creek Community Hall
                  5 p.m. -  Alexis Creek Community BBQ
June 6 – Board - CRD Board Room – Williams Lake

Telus brings improvements to Williams Lake

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake welcomes the announcement of a $3 million infrastructure investment in the community from TELUS.

The TELUS investment this year will expand the reach of TELUS’ Internet-based TV service Optik TV; increase available Internet speeds; enhance wireless capacity including access to the world’s fastest wireless technology, called 4G LTE; and connect more homes and businesses to high-speed Internet. TELUS services will be advanced by:

• Installing new wireless sites to expand the reach of LTE and enhance wireless capacity by filling in coverage gaps
• Introducing Optik TV to more local residences
• Bringing faster Internet speeds to residents and businesses
• Updating older infrastructure and technology to enhance network reliability
• Providing access to innovative healthcare IT solutions

“We welcome these digital infrastructure improvements, which will significantly enhance business and lifestyle opportunities in Williams Lake,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “Increases in internet speed and data capacity present new opportunities for attracting technology-based workers to our community.”

Technology-based entrepreneurs that currently find themselves limited to living in larger urban areas because of a lack of high speed connectivity will soon be able to bring their work to Williams Lake, and enjoy our easy access to outdoor recreation and affordable housing.

An enhanced digital highway also provides increased opportunities in education and research and development sectors. IT based healthcare solutions become increasingly important as our population ages, and these types of investments provide access to such resources.

Quesnel Arena Project - Important Dates to note

From the City of Quesnel's website:

Thursday, May 29 - Open House in Arena 2 Lobby from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
First conceptual designs from CEI Architecture will be available for public review and comment. 

Tuesday, June 3 - Open House in Arena 2 Lobby from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. 
This open house will focus on the referendum – information, voting information, etc. and the conceptual designs will be available for public review.

Saturday, June 7 - Open House in Arena 2 Lobby from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 
This open house will again focus on the referendum – information, voting information, etc. and the conceptual designs will be available for public review.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

2014 City of Quesnel Water Restrictions

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel website:

Sprinkling or irrigation restrictions are in place between May 15 and September 30.

The schedule is as follows:
- on even-numbered calendar days, even numbered properties may sprinkle or irrigate;
- on odd-numbered calendar days, odd numbered properties may sprinkle or irrigate.
(if your property address is "694" that is an even-numbered property and if your address is "685" that is an odd-numbered property).
Sprinkling is more effective during the early morning and evening hours. Please avoid sprinkling during the heat of the day and help conserve water. Announcements on further "hourly" restrictions MAY BE made during dry summer periods through the local newspaper or radio stations.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

BC's 40th Election -- First Yr Update

Exactly one year ago today - BC Liberals shocked the BC Political World by pulling off a 4th majority win, against the various pollsters who said the BC NDP had, by some accounts, a 20 point lead on the governing BC Liberals at the start of the 40th General Election (April 16th, 2013)

In the last year - both the BC NDP and BC Conservatives have replaced their leaders (John Horgan for the NDP and Dan Brooks for the BC Conservatives).  Had the BC Conservatives ran a full slate of 85 MLA Candidates last year - the final election result in 2013 may have been different.  Meanwhile - I'm sure the BC Greens want to build on their success in getting Dr. Andrew Weaver (Oak Bay-Gordon Head) into the BC Legislature for the 2017 BC Election.  Also - I'm sure BC Conservative Leader Dan Brooks will be getting his Party ready to change the public's view of his Party from as 'fringe party' to 'contender' while the NDP must solve that internal debate of environmental values over resource development? Or both? As long as the BC Liberals' are able to successfully paint the NDP has the "Party of No" then watch for the NDP to stay in Opposition for a significant period of time to come

How well will the BC Conservatives/BC NDP do in the 2017 Election? A lot depends on how will these two Parties ready themselves - policy, finances, candidates.  We should know how well these two Parties actually will do vs the governing BC Liberals' by the end of 2016... If we have 'status quo' from the NDP/Conservatives by the end of 2016, BC Liberals won't have very much to worry about

Finally - watch BC Premier Christy Clark update her government's progress in the last year since the BC Liberals' win on May 14th, 2013:

Cat 3 Open Fire restrictions on Friday

Courtesy of the Cariboo Fire Center:

Effective at noon on May 16, 2014, Category 3 open fires will be prohibited

throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public

safety. The prohibition will be in place until Sept. 30, 2014, or until the public is otherwise


Specifically, this order prohibits fires that burn:

-Material concurrently in three or more piles, each not exceeding two metres in height

and three metres in width; or

-Material in one or more piles, each exceeding two metres in height or three metres in

width; or

-One or more windrows; or

-Stubble or grass over an area exceeding 0.2 hectares (more than 2,000 square metres).

This prohibition does not apply to campfires, cooking stoves that use gas, propane or

briquettes, or open fires that are two metres by three metres or smaller. People should ensure

that such fires are not lit or kept burning during windy conditions and that adequate tools,

water and people are on hand to contain the fire. They should also make sure that the fire is

fully extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the area for any length of


This prohibition covers all BC Parks and Crown and private lands, but does not apply within the

boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by

fire departments. Please check with local government authorities for any other restrictions

before lighting a fire.

So far this season, the Cariboo Fire Centre has responded to 44 fires, the vast majority of which

were human-caused and therefore completely preventable.

Anyone found in contravention of an open fire prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345 or, if

convicted in court, may be fined up to $100,000 and sentenced to one year in jail. If the

contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person may be subject to a penalty of up

to $10,000 and be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.

The Cariboo Fire Centre stretches from Loon Lake near Clinton north to the Cottonwood River

near Quesnel, east to Wells Gray Provincial Park and west to Tweedsmuir South Provincial Park.

For a map of affected areas within the Cariboo Fire Centre, please check:

To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a


For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air

quality advisories, go to:

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