Monday, May 12, 2014

Area Based Forest Tenure: Cariboo-Chilcotin Input

Former Chief Forester of BC Jim Snetsinger has been leading a process of looking at switching forest tenure from volume based to area based.

Mr. Snetsinger has visited the communities, to date, of Smithers, Burns Lake, Quesnel, Williams Lake, Dawson Creek and Prince George

Here in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, the following organizations have provided input to Mr. Snetsinger:

April 30th in Quesnel:

City of Quesnel - Mayor Sjostrom and Quesnel City Manager Byron Johnson.  Read their briefing paper here

Nazko Economic Development Corporation - Paul Galliazzo and Stuart Alec.  Read their briefing paper here

North Cariboo Trappers - Ken/Debra Phillips.  No briefing paper available
Dunkley Lumber - Jason Fisher/Doug Perdue. No briefing paper available

West Fraser Mills - Dave Lehane, D’Arcy Henderson, Allan Bennett and Graeme Armstrong (Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce). Read their briefing paper here

Former Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson
Micheal Pelchat, retired RPF - read his briefing paper here
Cariboo RD Area 'C' Director John Massier

May 1st in Williams Lake:

Ulkatcho First Nation - Chief Zach Parker and Cameron Beck

Cariboo Regional District - Chair Al Richmond/CAO Janis Bell. Read their briefing papers here and here

City of Williams Lake - Mayor Kerry Cook and CAO Darrell Garceau (Brian McNaughton by phone).  Read their briefing paper here 

Cariboo Small Scale Harvesters Association - Leonard Teppema, President. Read their briefing paper here

Annjac Corporation - Deep Sandhu/Avtar Sandhu
Forestry Committee - WL Chapter Council of Canadians - Hugh Thomas, Jim Hilton, John Dressler and Keith Monroe

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