Wednesday, May 14, 2014

BC's 40th Election -- First Yr Update

Exactly one year ago today - BC Liberals shocked the BC Political World by pulling off a 4th majority win, against the various pollsters who said the BC NDP had, by some accounts, a 20 point lead on the governing BC Liberals at the start of the 40th General Election (April 16th, 2013)

In the last year - both the BC NDP and BC Conservatives have replaced their leaders (John Horgan for the NDP and Dan Brooks for the BC Conservatives).  Had the BC Conservatives ran a full slate of 85 MLA Candidates last year - the final election result in 2013 may have been different.  Meanwhile - I'm sure the BC Greens want to build on their success in getting Dr. Andrew Weaver (Oak Bay-Gordon Head) into the BC Legislature for the 2017 BC Election.  Also - I'm sure BC Conservative Leader Dan Brooks will be getting his Party ready to change the public's view of his Party from as 'fringe party' to 'contender' while the NDP must solve that internal debate of environmental values over resource development? Or both? As long as the BC Liberals' are able to successfully paint the NDP has the "Party of No" then watch for the NDP to stay in Opposition for a significant period of time to come

How well will the BC Conservatives/BC NDP do in the 2017 Election? A lot depends on how will these two Parties ready themselves - policy, finances, candidates.  We should know how well these two Parties actually will do vs the governing BC Liberals' by the end of 2016... If we have 'status quo' from the NDP/Conservatives by the end of 2016, BC Liberals won't have very much to worry about

Finally - watch BC Premier Christy Clark update her government's progress in the last year since the BC Liberals' win on May 14th, 2013:

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