Friday, May 16, 2014

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - May 16th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Health Authority Capital Funding Approved
The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board approved a funding contribution request from Northern Health for 40 per cent of the estimated total cost of $447,000. The funding will be used for replacement of the dry sprinkler system at Dunrovin Park Lodge.

During today’s meeting the CCRHD Board also approved an additional 2014/2015 Capital Funding request from Interior Health. A total of $81,600, represents 40 per cent of the CCRHD’s share of the total cost of the replacement of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems in Cariboo Chilcotin and Thompson Regional Hospital Districts.

CRD Board Supports NDIT Grant Applications
      The CRD Board endorsed resolutions to support three grant applications for $30,000 each to the Northern Development Initiative Trust. The applications are to the Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities Program.

      An application from the Lone Butte and Horse Lake Community Association is to make improvements to the Lone Butte Community Hall including replacing the roof, upgrading the kitchen facilities, plumbing and electrical work. An application from the New Pathways to Gold Society is requesting funds to make improvements to existing snowmobile trails in the South Cariboo to create circle tours and connections to local service providers. The third application, from the Interlakes Economic Association is requesting funding to support the implementation of the Association’s Farmers’ Market Business Plan.
      These projects will support community infrastructure, increase the number of events held at the hall, and create some temporary local jobs.

5th Annual Emergency Preparedness Symposium
      On April 23, 2014, CRD Protective Services hosted the 5th Annual Emergency Preparedness Spring Symposium. The Canadian weather model is forecasting above normal temperatures in July, August and September, particularly for coastal BC. Precipitation is expected to be near normal for most of BC. The drought code numbers for the Chilcotin are high.

      According to the presenters, the current snow pack is above average at the Upper Fraser, normal at Mid Fraser and below normal further south. The Nazko, Horsefly and Puntzi had normal snow packs over the winter, but due to slow melts are at above average for this time of year. Based on the winter snow pack, indications show this should be an average spring freshet

Board on the Road
The CRD Board of Directors will be travelling to Alexis Creek on Thursday, June 5 for the next Committee of the Whole meeting followed by a Community BBQ taking place at the Alexis Creek Community Hall. The Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Friday, June 6 in the CRD Board Room in Williams Lake.

ABC Communications
      Falko Kadenbach, Vice President, and Terry Bordeleau, Executive Assistant, from ABC Communications, appeared before the Board to provide an overview of ABC Communications wireless coverage in the Cariboo Chilcotin. The presentation provided a corporate overview, coverage areas and the current technologies.

Access Awareness Day
      The CRD Board of Directors declared June 7, 2014 as Access Awareness Day throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin. The annual Access Awareness Day is organized by SPARC BC, who has been partnering with the Province of British Columbia to call attention to the need for greater accessibility and inclusion of citizens with disabilities. This year’s event, being held on June 7, marks the 17th Annual Access Awareness Day and will be celebrated province wide under this year’s campaign of “Building Accessibility Together”.

Specified Risk Material
      Cariboo Regional District Board received information regarding the acceptance of beef specified risk material (SRM). Historically, the CRD has been of the understanding that beef cattle under 30 months of age were not considered SRM and could be accepted at landfills and transfer stations without violating any Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulations.

CFIA recently informed the CRD that this is not the case. Any dead stock, regardless of age, is considered SRM and must be disposed of at an approved facility. The CRD has three CFIA approved sites; South Cariboo landfill, Gibraltar landfill and Big Lake landfill. CFIA requires that all other CRD waste facilities post a sign stating that SRM is banned from the facility.

Medicinal Marihuana in Heavy Industrial Zones
               After considering input from five Public Hearings throughout the Cariboo Regional District, the Board gave third reading and adoption to Bylaws that will allow Medical Marihuana Operations exclusively in Heavy Industrial zones throughout the region.

CRD Appoints Barkerville Representative
      The CRD Board of Directors endorsed a resolution from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus to appoint Electoral Area C Director John Massier to the Barkerville Heritage Trust. This will be Director Massier’s second term on the Heritage Trust.

Upcoming Meetings
June 5 – 12 p.m. – COW -  Alexis Creek Community Hall
                  5 p.m. -  Alexis Creek Community BBQ
June 6 – Board - CRD Board Room – Williams Lake

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