Monday, May 26, 2014

City of WL Legal Costs - 2003 to present

In March of this year - Williams Lake Tribune interviewed Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook on 2013 Legal costs which you can read here

However, in the Tribune story - legal costs were reviewed since 2008.  Let us look at the last 3 City Councils led by 3 Mayors - Rick Gibson (2002-2005), Scott Nelson (2005-2008) and Kerry Cook (2008-present) and their legal costs

Legal Costs - Rick Gibson's Council (2002-2005)

2003 - $48,810.32
2004 - $88,199.39
2005 - $103,468.11

Grand Total - $240,477.82

Legal Costs - Scott Nelson's Council (2005-2008)

2006 - $84,479.38
2007 - $47,166.94
2008 - $72,896.19

Grand Total - $204,542.51

Legal Costs - Kerry Cook's 1st Council (2008-2011)

2009 - $155,615.53
2010 - $113,505.73
2011 - $89,827.89

Grand Total - $358,949.15

Legal Costs - Kerry Cook's 2nd Council (2011-present)

2012 - $109,645.75
2013 - $299,854.32
2014 - Roughly $30,000 as of this writing

Grand Total to date - $439,500.07

Further notes on this topic:

Severance Paid Out by Mayor:

Rick Gibson - 1 in 2003: $56,666
Scott Nelson - None
Kerry Cook:

2009: 2 totalling $71,972.50
2010: 1 totalling $86,009.19
2012: $15,000 (Human Right Tribunal Payout) & Paid Leave for 2 employees in 2012/13 totalling $56,296.41

2013 Legal Costs Breakdown

Fire Protection Agreement with Cariboo RD- $30,000 (Cariboo RD spent roughly $40,000 in legal costs on this same topic)

2013 Civic Strike - $100,000

Day to day City business - $30,500

Balance ($139,354.72) – Personnel issues. Information is protected under Section 14 and 22 (disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of FOIPPA

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