Monday, May 12, 2014

Lack of MLA's/Ministers' at 2014 NCLGA

This afternoon - CJDC-TV (local Dawson Creek TV Station) reported on the lack of attendance by MLA's/BC Cabinet Ministers at this year's NCLGA AGM which was held last week in Fort St John.

Read the story here while you can read the 2014 NCLGA Annual Report here

Meanwhile - this story was discussed on Facebook and generated the following comments:

Dawson Creek Councillor Shaely Wilbur - Considering the Premier is out of Country as are some Ministers and the House is in Session...those that could attend did. Timing of events can be an issue when scheduling around Provincial guests. Just happened that way this time....was not done to not have representation..just conflicting schedules.

Quesnel Councillor L-A Roodenburg -  yes..... but we also had representation from our Ministry (Community, Sport and Cultural Development) in the form of MLA (and Parliamentary Secretary Linda) Reimer......wish the whole story was told

I have to agree both with Councillors Wilbur and Roodenburg - MLA's, Cabinet Ministers and even the Premier are people - they simply can't be everywhere at once.  Even on a local level, both Director Bischoff and I can't always cover the amount of local events where we believe that we should be in attendance… but I know all politicians (regardless of level or political stripe) do try their very best to attend events as they receive invites…


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