Thursday, May 22, 2014

PG Mayor Green will not seek 2nd term

Courtesy of PG Mayor Shari Green:

“I am announcing today I will not be seeking a third term in municipal office. I am sharing this decision today in order to give mayoral contenders ample time to make their intentions known and for them to begin sharing their platforms with the citizens of Prince George.

I have served two terms at City Council and it has been my honour to serve as Mayor for the city I love. It has been a privilege to lead the city while keeping taxes low, reducing crime and improving conditions for business.

My family and I would like to thank everyone for their support, faith and encouragement over the last six years.

I am considering other ways in which I will continue to serve this community and the region. In the coming days, when the time is appropriate, I
look forward to sharing that publicly.

In the meantime I will continue to remain focused on the important work that Prince George residents elected me to do.”

More on this via CBC Daybreak North here

With Green out - the race for Prince George Mayor for the 2014-18 term begins.  Names floated about "online" including PG City Councillors Lyn Hall, Brian Skakun and even Frank Everitt.  While Councillor Skakun has already ruled out a Mayor's bid on his own Facebook page, watch for Councillors Hall/Everitt to consider their own political futures prior to making any announcements

I don't expect any announcements from Hall or Everitt for a few months yet

Meanwhile - I thought Shari Green did a good job in her first term as Mayor of Prince George and I personally wish her well in her future endeavours...


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