Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rossland takes issue with 1st Local Gov't Audit

On April 30th - the Auditor-General for Local Government, Ms. Basia Ruta, published her first performance audit report looking into spending on capital items in the City of Rossland and Ms. Ruta has flagged some serious concerns that need immediate attention in that City.  Read the press release from the Office of the A-G for Local Government here while you can read the full performance audit report here

Meanwhile - Rossland Mayor Greg Granstrom calls the performance audit result "hurtful" and the report could have been more "constructive".  Read more here

Of course, I couldn't disagree more with Mayor Grandstrom.  The idea around an Auditor-General is to take an unbiased look at things occurring and give their opinion/recommendations thereon.  Did I disagree with a Auditor-General for Local Government?  Yes I did - but now it is here, let's allow Ms. Ruta and her team to do their work… and I think we'll all, at the end of the day, be better off for the recommendations and the subsequent actions that flow from Ms. Ruta's audit reports


Update (Mon May 5th ) - Vancouver Sun looks at this here while the Nelson Star (Black Press newspaper) looks at this item here

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