Friday, May 23, 2014

Stacking the Deck in Cariboo-PG

In an interesting if not slanted opinion piece on - Editor Ben Meisner takes a hard look at the recent changes of the Board of Directors on the Cariboo-PG Federal Conservative Electoral District Association and how that may play into a future nomination race for the Cariboo-PG Federal riding which I expect will occur no earlier than this fall and no later than Spring 2015

For disclosure purposes - I have met with one possible candidate for nomination for the 2015 Federal Conservative Nomination Race for Cariboo-PG and his name is Nick Fedorkiw.  I liked what I heard from him especially the fact that he intends to more present in the riding than we've seen of Dick Harris.  For the record - I have yet to meet Shari Green and I would like to hear her views prior to making up my mind completely while I have met Dick Harris previously at previous events where he was present in Williams Lake

Read that here

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