Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WL Council Highlights - May 27th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Corporate Officer/Mgr of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Operations
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Tech.
Tom Chung - IT Mgr
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:04pm
Meeting agenda approved/Mins of May 13th WL City Council meeting approved


1) Stuart Ballantyne - CEO, Mike Davis - Director of Marketing & Communications and Anthony Everett - Board Chair from the 2015 Canada Winter Games Host Society appeared before Council to discuss 2015 Canada Winter Games Update

2) Eileen Campbell and Heather Robertson, Williams Lake ALS Walk Coordinators appeared before Council to discuss 2014 ALS Awareness Week Proclamation & Event Info

3) WL Junior Councillors Rebekah Corbett, Hanna Hett, Tanner Nickel, Monica Rawlek, Brooklyn Thiessen & Gagan Vaid appeared before Council to discuss their 2013/14 Activities


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending May 15 and 22, 2014

2) Council approved DVP #7/14 - WCD Holdings Ltd, 800 Highway 97 North: Utilities Servicing from "Underground" to "Overhead"

3) After hearing from 1 member of the public - Council approved DP #2-2014 - WCD Holdings Ltd, 800 Highway 97 North: Development of Automobile Sales & Service Centre

4) Council received a DVP Application for 1717 Renner Road pertaining to Rear Yard Setback Reduction. This application will be considered by Council at its' June 24th meeting

5) Council agreed to pledge continued partnership in BC Hydro's "Power Smart Program".

6) After receiving Ministry of Transportation approval, Council adopted Bylaw #2211 (WCD Holdings Ltd. - 800 Highway 97 North)

7) Council adopted 2 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #13-2014, the letters from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and Citizens Committee dated May 9, 2014 and May 20, 2014, respectively, be received and Council advise the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure that they have no objections to the first three bullets, request further consultation with area residents/businesses on bullets 4 & 5 and additional information on bullet 6 and Staff be requested to report back to Council.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor Rathor

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #14-2014, Council contribute any funds available in the Council Contingency Fund to the development of the City's float entry in the 2014 Stampede Parade.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias
Negative - Councillor D. Hughes

8) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake BIA regarding financial support in the amount of $5,000 towards their 2014 Alley Art Mural Mentorship Project and referred the letter to its' Community Services Committee for further review/recommendations to Council

9) Council proclaimed the week of June 8 to 14, 2014 as "ALS Awareness Week" in the City of Williams Lake

10) Council adopted the annual Williams Lake Stampede Proclamation

11) Council proclaimed June 1st as "Intergenerational Day" and June 15th as "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" in the City of Williams Lake

12) Council received their 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• April 25, 2014 - BC Victims of Homicide re Homicide Loss Support Group Facilitators Training in Prince George in June;
• May 2 & 7, 2014 - Letters from the Ministry of Justice re Province-Wide Earthquake Preparedness Consultation;
• May 8, 2014 - BC Federation of Labour re Commitment to BC Shipbuilding Industry;
• May 8, 2014 - Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure re BC Coastal Ferry System;
• May 9, 2014 - Ministry of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations re Update on Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan in Cariboo Region;
• May 9, 2014 - Williams Lake Indian Band Media Release re Successful First Nations Land Management Vote;
• May 9, 2014 - Williams Lake Indian Band Media Release re Partnership with Lake Excavating;
• May 9, 2014 - TELUS re Significant Capital Investments in Williams Lake;
• May 9, 2014 - Northern Medical Program Trust Release re Approval of 2014 Disbursements;
• May 16, 2014 - SeniorsBC.ca e-Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 5;
• May 16, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights.

13) Council received a report from Mayor Cook outlining her monthly activities for the period ending May 20th - read that report here

A Roundtable discussion ensued where members of Council gave updates on their activities

Council agreed to adjourn at 8:02pm

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