With the Canada Day long weekend upon us - all local governments are on a break next week except for Quesnel Council which meets on Monday at 7pm in Quesnel Council Chambers. View their full Agenda here. One item of note is 3rd Reading of Bylaws to permit Secondary Suites.
Meanwhile the deadline to pay your 2014 Property Taxes is Wednesday, July 2nd. For those in Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake or 100 Mile House - pay after July 2nd and you will be charged a 10% late penalty. If you have questions, please contact your local government
If you reside in Cariboo RD Electoral Areas A-L, pay after July 2nd and you will be charged a 5% late penalty on the outstanding property tax balance and a further 5% on the outstanding property tax balance by November 1st, if not paid in full by this date. More details here
Have a great and safe long weekend!
Discussion of the issues that affect you on a local, provincial and federal level
Friday, June 27, 2014
Cariboo RD Board Highlights - June 27th mtg
Editor's Note - Once again, I represented Area 'D' at today's meeting behalf of Cariboo RD Area D Director Deb Bischoff. The Board also agreed to write a letter of congrats to Xeni Gwet'in FN Gov't on their big legal win yesterday. Several Directors including myself, Ted Armstrong and Byron Kemp were opposed because the significance of yesterday's legal decision is not yet known...
Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District
Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District
RD Tough Enough to Wear Pink
The CRD staff and Directors dressed up in their finest western wear and pink in support of the Williams Lake Stampede Tough Enough to Wear Pink campaign. So far, the staff and elected officials from the Cariboo Regional District, the City of Quesnel, the City of Williams Lake and the District of 100 Mile House raised just over $780 which will be presented to the Stampede Association during this Sunday’s performance. Visit williamslakestampede.com for further event information.
Crime Reduction Strategies Discussed
Inspector Warren Brown, Williams Lake Detachment, RCMP, appeared before the Board to discuss crime reduction strategies in the Cariboo Chilcotin. Some of the topics included enhanced crime reduction, building relationships with Aboriginal Communities, employee wellness, domestic violence, and impaired driving strategies. Inspector Brown also spoke about prolific and chronic offenders, drug houses, road checks and their positive ticketing program. He also provided an overview of the Williams Lake Community Policing program and the important role it plays in the community.
BC Building Code & Community Charter
At the request of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), the CRD will be providing feedback to the UBCM regarding the proposed changes to the provincial building code and Community Charter. Some of the proposed changes include removing the ability for local governments to vary or exceed building standards, establishing provincial decision making for code interpretation and collection of a provincial levy for this service as well as establishing mandatory certification for building inspectors. The CRD Board discussed these changes and will respond with concerns about removing flexibility for local government control over standards while still holding the liability for providing this service.
Area H Director Initiative Funds
The Regional District Board authorized up to $600 of Electoral Area H Director Initiative funds for an Area H Pilot Project. The funds will be used to host a citizen engagement meeting organized by Director Wagner on July 18, 2014 as an alternative to and replacement of the annual Town Hall Meeting for Electoral Area H this year. This project is being undertaken to allow seasonal residents an opportunity to meet their Area H Director and gain a better understanding of the CRD and the services provided to them through taxation.
Alexis Creek Red Cross Outpost Hospital Centennial
The Cariboo Regional District Board authorized a total of $500 from the Electoral Area K Director Initiative Fund be used towards the Alexis Creek Centennial Ceremony on September 13, 2014. During the meeting, the Board also authorized an additional $500 to purchase a cast bronze plaque to commemorate the special milestone.
CRD’s Anahim Lake Airport Manager Announced
The Cariboo Regional District officially announced the new Airport Manager for the CRD’s Anahim Lake Airport. Mr. Dave Chamberlain of Snooka Aircraft Services will start on July 1, 2014. Mr. Chamberlain takes over the reins from Mr. Wayne Escott of Aerotech Services who has been the Airport Caretaker since it was built. Thank you Wayne for your many years of service to the Anahim Lake Airport and the areas its serves.
Support for BC Farm Women's Network
The Cariboo Regional District Board authorized a total of $500 of Special Projects funds from Electoral Areas B, C, D, F, G, and H to support the 2014 BC Farm Women's Network seminar. The event will be held on October 3 & 4, 2014, at the Ramada Inn, in Williams Lake, BC. The Network promotes agriculture within and outside the farm and ranching industry. Their goal is to promote agriculture and educate the consumer about issues affecting agriculture, farm women, and farm families.
Upcoming Meetings/Important Dates
July 11 – CCRHD & CRD Board Meetings
CEI Architecture Named Prime Consultant for NC Arena Replacement Project
Courtesy of the Cariboo RD/City of Quesnel:
The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board of Directors endorsed a resolution from the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee (NCJPC) to award the contract of Prime Consultant for the North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project to CEI Architecture.
The pre-referendum Request for Proposals indicated that “it is the Owner’s intention that should the referendum be successful, negotiations with the successful proponent for full design services/prime consultant will immediately take place, with a view to contract signing and moving forward with the work immediately following the referendum.” A total of nine architectural firms submitted proposals.
As Prime Consultant, CEI Architecture will be responsible for co-ordination of the architectural, structural, mechanical, refrigeration, electrical design, as well as civil engineering, and site development and landscaping. They will be responsible for providing design and engineered documents and for ensuring code compliance.
CEI will also be responsible for interior design including furniture layout and circulation, integration of conservation and green building technology, building envelope design, the demolition of Arena 1, and the integration of Arena 2 into the overall site-plan. Construction of the project will begin in April, 2015, while substantial completion is scheduled for September, 2016.
“We were pleased with the pre-referendum work that CEI completed for us, given the rather tight time constraints they were under,” stated CRD Vice-Chair Ted Armstrong. “We look forward to working with them on the next phase of this project, and are expecting the same excellent service we received from this firm during the pre-referendum design stage.”
“We are extremely pleased that CEI Architecture will continue to work with our community with respect to the design for our new arena,” says Mayor Mary Sjostrom. “The design work previously done by CEI Architecture provides a great level of confidence in their ability to engage with the community and develop a sound design for Quesnel.”
Staff are continuing to work with the architect to update and revise their work plan. The CRD and the City of Quesnel, in collaboration with CEI will be undertaking another design charrette (consultation) process July 21 and 22, 2014. Further details about the next steps and the consultation sessions will be announced soon.
CCRHD Board Mtg - June 27th
Present - Chair J. Massier and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Glassford, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Bonnell, Campsall and Alternate Director S. Forseth
Absent - Directors R. William and C. Mernett
Staff: J. Bell - CAO; A. Johnston, Corporate Officer; S. Reid - CFO; S. Burich - Mgr of Communications; K.Moores - Mgr of Development Services
Meeting called to order at 9:30am
Meeting Agenda Adopted/June 6th CCRHD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
1) The Board received the Consent Calendar of June 6th
2) The Board received an item from Northern Health regarding Elder Abuse Day
The Board agreed to adjourn at 9:35am
Absent - Directors R. William and C. Mernett
Staff: J. Bell - CAO; A. Johnston, Corporate Officer; S. Reid - CFO; S. Burich - Mgr of Communications; K.Moores - Mgr of Development Services
Meeting called to order at 9:30am
Meeting Agenda Adopted/June 6th CCRHD Board Meeting Minutes adopted
1) The Board received the Consent Calendar of June 6th
2) The Board received an item from Northern Health regarding Elder Abuse Day
The Board agreed to adjourn at 9:35am
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Central Cariboo Rural Caucus Mtg - June 26th
Present - Chair J. Sorley, Director B. Kemp and Area 'D' Alternate Director S. Forseth
Staff - J. Bell - CAO
Meeting called to order at 3:05pm
Meeting Agenda approved with 1 late item
Mins of the May 28th CCRC Meeting was approved by consensus
1) MOU between the City of WL/CRD
The CAO reviewed the item with the Committee
Discussion ensued
2) Building Canada Fund - Project Submission Selection Process
A general discussion ensued
Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm
Staff - J. Bell - CAO
Meeting called to order at 3:05pm
Meeting Agenda approved with 1 late item
Mins of the May 28th CCRC Meeting was approved by consensus
1) MOU between the City of WL/CRD
The CAO reviewed the item with the Committee
Discussion ensued
2) Building Canada Fund - Project Submission Selection Process
A general discussion ensued
Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm
Contract awarded for Cariboo Connector Phase 2 program
Courtesy of the BC Gov't Caucus:
A $7.8 million contract has been awarded to Cantex-Okanagan Construction Ltd. of Penticton to complete a major four-lane expansion of Highway 97. The 4.3 kilometres of new four-lane construction is part of the Cariboo Connector Phase 2 Program.
Approximately 4.3 kilometres of Highway 97 from 74 Mile to 76 Mile will be expanded, to tie together the Stormy and 70 Mile North sections located south of 100 Mile House that were completed in the fall of 2013.
Once this section is complete, the result will be a continuous section of four-lane highway approximately 32 kilometres in length extending from just north of the 70 Mile House to roughly 6 kilometres south of the District of 100 Mile House.
“The Cariboo Connector program is vital for our region,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “This four-lane project will help our commercial truckers safely transport goods, make it easier for industry to transport heavy equipment, improve safety for residents and tourists visiting our region, and relieve congestion on the only north-south highway in the Cariboo.”
“This four-laning project is a vital connection between northern and southern B.C.,” said Fraser-Nicola MLA Jackie Tegart. “By expanding capacity on the highway, goods can be transported more efficiently, safety can be greatly improved by providing motorists better passing opportunities, and good paying construction jobs will be created to build this much needed infrastructure in the Central Interior.”
The work is scheduled to start in early July 2014 and be completed in October 2015.
For more information:
Follow the work of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure online at, www.tranbc.ca
B.C. Arts Council approves grants for Cariboo North
Courtesy of the BC Gov't Caucus:
Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes congratulated the Island Mountain Arts Society for receiving $7,750 in B.C. Arts Council grants to assist in funding the Toni Onley Artists’ Project for Professional and Emerging Artists.
“Wells is thriving centre for artists in B.C. thanks in part to the great work of the Island Mountain Arts Society,” Oakes said. “This funding will help organizers of the program offer emerging artists a great experience to learn from some of the best artists in the world and take in the breath-taking scenery of the surrounding region.”
In honour of B.C. artist Toni Onley, this program provides 20 emerging artists nine days of intensive studio experience and mentorship from world renowned artists from Canada and the United States at the Island Mountain Arts Society in Wells. Project participants will showcase their work to the public at the Island Mountain Arts Gallery at the conclusion of the program.
“The Artists’ Project has made a big impact on the careers of the participating artists, connecting them to a wider network in the professional visual arts arena and often spurring on new bodies of work,” said Julie Fowler, Executive Director of Island Mountain Arts Society. “The support of the BC Arts Council has been integral to the success and growth of this Island Mountain Arts program.”
As a result of the April and May adjudications, the B.C. Arts Council announced almost $6.25 million in funding to 166 arts and culture organizations or individuals throughout the province.
The funding comes from a record-high $24 million the B.C. Arts Council received from the provincial government to support artists, arts activities and culture in the 2013-14 fiscal year.
As B.C.’s lead agency for arts funding and development, the B.C. Arts Council enlists the expertise of British Columbia’s artists to evaluate grant applications through a peer review process independent of government.
Established in 1995, the B.C. Arts Council consults with the arts and culture community to develop policies, programs and strategic priorities for the sector. Last year, the Council approved more than 1,000 grants in over 200 communities in every region of the province.
For a list of recipients of the most recently approved BC Arts Council grants, or more information about the BC Arts Council please visit: http://www.bcartscouncil.ca/
Is 2 Signatures enough?
In his Editorial today - "Armchair Mayor" and former Kamloops Mayor Mel Rothenburger asks the question:
Does increasing the number of nominator signatures from two to ten or twenty lead to better candidates running for civic office (Mayor, Councillor, School Trustee or Electoral Area Director)?
In the editorial - Rothenburger suggests that Kamloops Council was incorrect in increasing the number of nominator signatures from two to ten. View his editorial here
Does increasing the number of nominator signatures from two to ten or twenty lead to better candidates running for civic office (Mayor, Councillor, School Trustee or Electoral Area Director)?
In the editorial - Rothenburger suggests that Kamloops Council was incorrect in increasing the number of nominator signatures from two to ten. View his editorial here
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Lyn Hall runs for PG Mayor
In what was the worst kept secret in Prince George - PG City Councillor Lyn Hall announced today that he wants to be the next Mayor of Prince George
Read more here (250 News) / here (PG Citizen)
View video from PG Free Press below:
Meanwhile - former PG City Councillor Don Zurowski has already announced that he wants to be Mayor of Prince George back on June 13th while current PG Mayor Shari Green announced back on May 22nd that she would not seek another term
Read more here (250 News) / here (PG Citizen)
View video from PG Free Press below:
Meanwhile - former PG City Councillor Don Zurowski has already announced that he wants to be Mayor of Prince George back on June 13th while current PG Mayor Shari Green announced back on May 22nd that she would not seek another term
Rathor makes Mayoral announcement
Before 25 people including local media and supporters - Long time Williams Lake City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor formally announced his intention, after 21 years as a City Councillor, to seek the Office of Mayor in this November's civic elections
While he said today was not the day to talk about campaign issues - his intention was to let the community know about his political intentions for November.
View a video below where he talks about his Mayoral bid:
While he said today was not the day to talk about campaign issues - his intention was to let the community know about his political intentions for November.
View a video below where he talks about his Mayoral bid:
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Rathor vs Cook for WL Mayor
At tonight's Council meeting - Williams Lake City Councillor SPS Rathor announced that he would be running for Mayor in this November's civic election.
He also stated that he will speak more on this subject on Wednesday, June 25th at 11am in Herb Gardner Park in Williams Lake (below Williams Lake City Hall)
While current Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook has not officially declared a 3rd bid for Mayor, she all but alluded to the same in her 2013 Year End Interview with the Williams Lake Tribune - read more here
There has been some pressure on Facebook upon WL Chamber of Commerce President Jason Ryll to consider running for Mayor of Williams Lake in November but he has not made an official statement yet...
There has been no other election announcements (official or otherwise) for either WL City Councillors (3 seats will be vacant in November's election), CRD Directors for Areas E, F, J or K and School District #27 Zone 1-7 Trustees
Meanwhile - we know that Bob Simpson is running to become Mayor of Quesnel, Mitch Campsall vs Maureen Pinkney for 100 Mile Mayor and Cariboo RD Area 'L' is searching for a new Director after current Cariboo RD Area 'L' Director Bruce Rattray stated that he is not seeking re-election. There have been no election announcements for Wells, Quesnel City Councillors, School District #28 Trustees or Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C, G, H, and I
He also stated that he will speak more on this subject on Wednesday, June 25th at 11am in Herb Gardner Park in Williams Lake (below Williams Lake City Hall)
While current Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook has not officially declared a 3rd bid for Mayor, she all but alluded to the same in her 2013 Year End Interview with the Williams Lake Tribune - read more here
There has been some pressure on Facebook upon WL Chamber of Commerce President Jason Ryll to consider running for Mayor of Williams Lake in November but he has not made an official statement yet...
There has been no other election announcements (official or otherwise) for either WL City Councillors (3 seats will be vacant in November's election), CRD Directors for Areas E, F, J or K and School District #27 Zone 1-7 Trustees
Meanwhile - we know that Bob Simpson is running to become Mayor of Quesnel, Mitch Campsall vs Maureen Pinkney for 100 Mile Mayor and Cariboo RD Area 'L' is searching for a new Director after current Cariboo RD Area 'L' Director Bruce Rattray stated that he is not seeking re-election. There have been no election announcements for Wells, Quesnel City Councillors, School District #28 Trustees or Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C, G, H, and I
WL Council Highlights - June 24th mtg
Present - Acting Mayor S. Zacharias and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, and Walters
Absent - Mayor K. Cook
Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Corporate Officer/Mgr of Legislative Services
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Tech
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th Council meeting minutes approved
1) Acting Mayor Sue Zacharias presented the "Accessibility Award of Merit" to the Cariboo Regional District Library - Williams Lake Branch. Cariboo RD Area H Director Margo Wagner (Library Committee Chair) accepted the Award on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District
2) Staff Sgt Ken Brissard & Community Safety Coordinator Dave Dickson appeared before Council to present the RCMP Report
A Question and Answer period ensued
Acting Mayor Zacharias, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Dickson and Staff-Sgt Brissard for their time and information
1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending June 12 and 19, 2014
2) Council approved the 2013 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report as presented
3) Council received and approved the 2013 Annual Report
4) Council approved entering into the 2014-2024 Community Works Fund (CWF) Agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities
5) Council approved Development Variance Permit #08-2014 for Gilbert Johnston (1717 Renner Rd)
6) Council received an application for Development Variance Permit #11-2014 from Mark Russell at 1706 Hazel Street. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting
7) Council received an application for Development Permit #3-2014 from Platform Properties Ltd at 800-1185 Prosperity Way. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting. The Permit approval is subject to submission of a traffic impact analysis in accordance with the covenant registered as Document No. BB1171439 on the subject property, and a suitable Wildfire Assessment Report from a qualified engineer or Registered Professional Forester as per the City of Williams Lake Official Community Plan
8) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the 2nd Annual Soap Box Derby on Friday, June 20, 2014 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Fourth Avenue from the top of Barnard Street to Mackenzie Avenue
9) Council awarded the contract to replace the arena roof over Rink #1 and Rink #2 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Mainline Roofing for the bid price of $478,400, excluding applicable taxes.
10) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the Cariboo Potters' Guild to use the portion of the City boulevard on Fourth Avenue in front of the Kiwanis Park tennis courts and adjacent to the Seniors Activity Centre driveway from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, June 28, 2014 for their 'Mugging in the Park' fundraising event
11) After a public hearing - Council gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2212 (Disability Off Street Parking Regulations)
12) Council adopt several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:
a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #21-2014, the report of the Planner dated June 12, 2014 regarding Road Closure of Signal Point Road Lake Access be received and it be a policy that the City of Williams Lake not dispose of lake access property.
b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #22-2014, Staff report back to Council with an inventory of existing City owned lake access that includes the functionality of each and options for development if possible.
c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #23-2014, Staff be directed to prepare a report for Council's consideration recommending a smoke-free bylaw for Williams Lake.
13) Council received a letter from the Tl'etinqox-T'in Health Department dated May 21, 2014 requesting a financial donation towards their Culture Camp scheduled for July 7 to 17, 2014 at Raven Lake
a) Council agreed to meet with TNG Chiefs in the future in regards to mutual matters
14) Council received a letter from Williams Lake Elks Lodge and Royal Purple thanking the City for the conference incentive grant towards their hosting of the Provincial Elks and Provincial Royal Purple Conferences at the Elks Hall in Williams Lake on May 30 and June 1, 2014
15) Council received In-Camera Report #3-2014 with the approved In-Camera motion as follows:
Moved and Seconded
That pursuant to the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 26, 2014, Council award the 2014 Accessibility Award of Merit to the Williams Lake Library.
Members of Council reported on their activities in the community. Councillor Rathor announced that he will go up against Mayor Cook in November's civic election
Council agreed to adjourn at 7:55pm
Absent - Mayor K. Cook
Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Corporate Officer/Mgr of Legislative Services
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Tech
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th Council meeting minutes approved
1) Acting Mayor Sue Zacharias presented the "Accessibility Award of Merit" to the Cariboo Regional District Library - Williams Lake Branch. Cariboo RD Area H Director Margo Wagner (Library Committee Chair) accepted the Award on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District
2) Staff Sgt Ken Brissard & Community Safety Coordinator Dave Dickson appeared before Council to present the RCMP Report
A Question and Answer period ensued
Acting Mayor Zacharias, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Dickson and Staff-Sgt Brissard for their time and information
1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending June 12 and 19, 2014
2) Council approved the 2013 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report as presented
3) Council received and approved the 2013 Annual Report
4) Council approved entering into the 2014-2024 Community Works Fund (CWF) Agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities
5) Council approved Development Variance Permit #08-2014 for Gilbert Johnston (1717 Renner Rd)
6) Council received an application for Development Variance Permit #11-2014 from Mark Russell at 1706 Hazel Street. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting
7) Council received an application for Development Permit #3-2014 from Platform Properties Ltd at 800-1185 Prosperity Way. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting. The Permit approval is subject to submission of a traffic impact analysis in accordance with the covenant registered as Document No. BB1171439 on the subject property, and a suitable Wildfire Assessment Report from a qualified engineer or Registered Professional Forester as per the City of Williams Lake Official Community Plan
8) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the 2nd Annual Soap Box Derby on Friday, June 20, 2014 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Fourth Avenue from the top of Barnard Street to Mackenzie Avenue
9) Council awarded the contract to replace the arena roof over Rink #1 and Rink #2 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Mainline Roofing for the bid price of $478,400, excluding applicable taxes.
10) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the Cariboo Potters' Guild to use the portion of the City boulevard on Fourth Avenue in front of the Kiwanis Park tennis courts and adjacent to the Seniors Activity Centre driveway from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, June 28, 2014 for their 'Mugging in the Park' fundraising event
11) After a public hearing - Council gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2212 (Disability Off Street Parking Regulations)
12) Council adopt several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:
a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #21-2014, the report of the Planner dated June 12, 2014 regarding Road Closure of Signal Point Road Lake Access be received and it be a policy that the City of Williams Lake not dispose of lake access property.
b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #22-2014, Staff report back to Council with an inventory of existing City owned lake access that includes the functionality of each and options for development if possible.
c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #23-2014, Staff be directed to prepare a report for Council's consideration recommending a smoke-free bylaw for Williams Lake.
13) Council received a letter from the Tl'etinqox-T'in Health Department dated May 21, 2014 requesting a financial donation towards their Culture Camp scheduled for July 7 to 17, 2014 at Raven Lake
a) Council agreed to meet with TNG Chiefs in the future in regards to mutual matters
14) Council received a letter from Williams Lake Elks Lodge and Royal Purple thanking the City for the conference incentive grant towards their hosting of the Provincial Elks and Provincial Royal Purple Conferences at the Elks Hall in Williams Lake on May 30 and June 1, 2014
15) Council received In-Camera Report #3-2014 with the approved In-Camera motion as follows:
Moved and Seconded
That pursuant to the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 26, 2014, Council award the 2014 Accessibility Award of Merit to the Williams Lake Library.
Members of Council reported on their activities in the community. Councillor Rathor announced that he will go up against Mayor Cook in November's civic election
Council agreed to adjourn at 7:55pm
Quesnel Council Highlights - June 23rd mtg
Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:
Mural Art Youth Workshop
Council approved a $150.00 contribution to the Quesnel and District Community Arts Council to host an event for youth at the Baker Creek Park, West Quesnel in the skateboard area on August 5.
Respected graffiti artist Milan Basic has been commissioned to do the workshop which is intended to not only beautify the skateboard park but to develop civic pride among our youth, leadership and artistic skills, and a sense of ownership and pride in their accomplishment.
Basic has done public art in Prince George and Vancouver. Visit www.hifimurals.ca to see more of his work.
Accessibility Advisory Committee
Council supported establishing an Accessibility Advisory Committee and has directed staff to prepare the Terms of Reference for the group which may include government, business and community representatives.
On June 16, Premier Christy Clark unveiled Accessibility 2024, a 10-year plan to make British Columbia the most progressive place in Canada for people with disabilities. Accessibility 2024 is designed around 12 building blocks ranging from employment to accessible service delivery.
A local Accessibility Advisory Committee would be able to provide leadership and advice to Council on accessibility issues and assist with the implementation of the new provincial initiative.
Mines Act Permit Fees
Council recently submitted comments on the Mines Act Permit Fees to the Ministry of Energy and Mines and received a response from the Minister indicating that comments received from industry and individuals in British Columbia were valuable in shaping the direction in which the Provincial Government will take the proposed permitting fee initiative. A number of changes have been identified and a full discussion of the comments can be seen in the Consultation Summary Report - May 13, 2014 available at www.empr.gov.bc.ca/Mining/Permitting-Reclamation/Pages/MinesActPermitFees.aspx
- Council approved the installation of two traffic calming devices - one on Gray Avenue at Wilson Street and one on Baker Drive at Harper Street.
- The City of Quesnel’s 2013 Annual Report was endorsed by Council. Hard copies are available to view at City Hall or online at www.quesnel.ca (click on Annual Report in the right hand column).
- Council recommended the issuance of the Liquor Primary Licence at Rev Bowling Lanes and will forward their recommendation and comments to the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch for final approval of the licence.
- Northern Green Supply Ltd. provided notice of cancellation to Council with respect to their application to develop a Medical Marihuana Production Facility. Stringent regulations regarding the design and operation of these facilities leads to the requirement for considerable capital outlay heightening risks in developing of this type of facility.
- Council resolved to enter into a Community Works Fund Agreement 2014 - 2024 under the Administrative Agreement on the Federal Gas Tax Fund in British Columbia.
- Council gave final adoption to the following bylaws:
- Bylaw No. 1738, Voting Day Registration
- Bylaw No. 1739, General Procedural Elections Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 1711, Records Retention and Destruction
- Bylaw No. 1738, Voting Day Registration
- Bylaw No. 1739, General Procedural Elections Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 1711, Records Retention and Destruction
Important Dates
July 1 - Canada Day
(Lebourdais Park from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
(Strawberry Tea, 1:30 to 3 p.m., 250-992-5875 to reserve)
NEXT Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Sessions:
Monday June 30, 7 p.m.
Monday, July 28, 7 p.m.
NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Special Open MeetingTuesday June 24, 7:00 p.m. (note special meeting time)
Monday June 30, 7 p.m.
Monday, July 28, 7 p.m.
NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Special Open MeetingTuesday June 24, 7:00 p.m. (note special meeting time)
July 7, 14 and 21
July 7, 14 and 21
NC Joint Planning Committee meets tonight
Following the approval of the June 14th North Cariboo Arena One Referendum - the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee, consisting of the Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A, B, C and I & all members of Quesnel City Council, will meet in a special meeting to consider the next steps for the Arena One Replacement Project
On the Committee's Agenda:
* Design Consulting Services Process (Report from Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services, City of Quesnel)
* North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project - Next Steps (Report from Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services, City of Quesnel)
* Kangaroos Exemption from Recreation Pass Rate (Facilities Managers D. Rogers to report)
* Thank you letter from Quesnel Lions for Donation
Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight (Tues, June 24th) in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)
View the Agenda here
On the Committee's Agenda:
* Design Consulting Services Process (Report from Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services, City of Quesnel)
* North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project - Next Steps (Report from Jeff Norburn - Director of Community Services, City of Quesnel)
* Kangaroos Exemption from Recreation Pass Rate (Facilities Managers D. Rogers to report)
* Thank you letter from Quesnel Lions for Donation
Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight (Tues, June 24th) in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)
View the Agenda here
Monday, June 23, 2014
Free Wi-Fi At WL Regional Airport
Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:
The Williams Lake Regional Airport is pleased to announce the launch of public WiFi in the Airport Terminal Building. The City of Williams Lake in partnership with CP Electronics is now able to offer patrons of the airport fast, reliable, free internet connectivity while in the Terminal building.
“WiFi is a natural progression for the Williams Lake Airport,” says Shea De La Mare, Airport Coordinator. “Connectivity is now considered a basic requirement for both business and leisure travelers , and this reflects our commitment to providing patrons with an improved user experience.”
Users can connect with their mobile devices to the CP Electronics welcome page, and access the wifi after agreeing to the terms and conditions on the page.
The WiFi has been in a beta launch phase for several weeks, and there has been a tremendous reception from users so far.
The Williams Lake Regional Airport is pleased to announce the launch of public WiFi in the Airport Terminal Building. The City of Williams Lake in partnership with CP Electronics is now able to offer patrons of the airport fast, reliable, free internet connectivity while in the Terminal building.
“WiFi is a natural progression for the Williams Lake Airport,” says Shea De La Mare, Airport Coordinator. “Connectivity is now considered a basic requirement for both business and leisure travelers , and this reflects our commitment to providing patrons with an improved user experience.”
Users can connect with their mobile devices to the CP Electronics welcome page, and access the wifi after agreeing to the terms and conditions on the page.
The WiFi has been in a beta launch phase for several weeks, and there has been a tremendous reception from users so far.
2013 City of WL SOFI Report
In the last local government to report out on SOFI - Williams Lake Council will receive its' 2013 Statement of Financial Information or SOFI Report at its' meeting on Tuesday. All other local governments have already received/approved their SOFI Reports for the year ending Dec 31st, 2013
In the latest SOFI Report, Mayor Kerry Cook earned $43,687.92 with expenses totalling $11,701.23 for the period ending Dec 31st, 2013. For the year ending Dec 31st, 2012 - this was $43,687.92 in remuneration and $9,650.54 in expenses
As for the 6 WL City Councillors, they all earned $15,240.00 both in 2012 and 2013. As to expenses, ranked from highest to lowest:
As for the top 3 Staff salaries that is reportable (have to make over $75,000 in a year) for 2013:
For 2012 - the Top 3 Staff Salaries that is that is reportable (have to make over $75,000 in a year)
For the "so-called" $100,000 Club - there were 8 people in 2012 and in 2013 - that dropped to 5.
Total Staff payout in remuneration in 2012 was $7,166.358.79 with expenses totalling $76,244.89. In 2013 - remuneration increased to $7,217,031.77 with expenses coming to $90,310.11
For the full reports:
a) 2012 SOFI Report - click here
b) 2013 SOFI Report - click here
This will be the final SOFI Report from any of the 5 Local Governments' in the Cariboo-Chilcotin prior to November's civic elections. The remuneration/expenses for the period ending Dec 31st, 2014 will be available by June 30th, 2015
In the latest SOFI Report, Mayor Kerry Cook earned $43,687.92 with expenses totalling $11,701.23 for the period ending Dec 31st, 2013. For the year ending Dec 31st, 2012 - this was $43,687.92 in remuneration and $9,650.54 in expenses
As for the 6 WL City Councillors, they all earned $15,240.00 both in 2012 and 2013. As to expenses, ranked from highest to lowest:
2013 Expenses
2012 Expenses
As for the top 3 Staff salaries that is reportable (have to make over $75,000 in a year) for 2013:
Gen Mgr of Planning/Ops
Director of Finance
Fire Prevention – Training
For 2012 - the Top 3 Staff Salaries that is that is reportable (have to make over $75,000 in a year)
Gen Mgr of Planning/Ops
Director of Finance
For the "so-called" $100,000 Club - there were 8 people in 2012 and in 2013 - that dropped to 5.
Total Staff payout in remuneration in 2012 was $7,166.358.79 with expenses totalling $76,244.89. In 2013 - remuneration increased to $7,217,031.77 with expenses coming to $90,310.11
For the full reports:
a) 2012 SOFI Report - click here
b) 2013 SOFI Report - click here
This will be the final SOFI Report from any of the 5 Local Governments' in the Cariboo-Chilcotin prior to November's civic elections. The remuneration/expenses for the period ending Dec 31st, 2014 will be available by June 30th, 2015