Present - Acting Mayor S. Zacharias and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, and Walters
Absent - Mayor K. Cook
Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Cindy Bouchard - Corporate Officer/Mgr of Legislative Services
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Nigel Whitehead - Planning Tech
Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda approved/June 10th Council meeting minutes approved
1) Acting Mayor Sue Zacharias presented the "Accessibility Award of Merit" to the Cariboo Regional District Library - Williams Lake Branch. Cariboo RD Area H Director Margo Wagner (Library Committee Chair) accepted the Award on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District
2) Staff Sgt Ken Brissard & Community Safety Coordinator Dave Dickson appeared before Council to present the RCMP Report
A Question and Answer period ensued
Acting Mayor Zacharias, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Dickson and Staff-Sgt Brissard for their time and information
1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending June 12 and 19, 2014
2) Council approved the 2013 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report as presented
3) Council received and approved the 2013 Annual Report
4) Council approved entering into the 2014-2024 Community Works Fund (CWF) Agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities
5) Council approved Development Variance Permit #08-2014 for Gilbert Johnston (1717 Renner Rd)
6) Council received an application for Development Variance Permit #11-2014 from Mark Russell at 1706 Hazel Street. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting
7) Council received an application for Development Permit #3-2014 from Platform Properties Ltd at 800-1185 Prosperity Way. Council will formally consider the item at their July 22nd meeting. The Permit approval is subject to submission of a traffic impact analysis in accordance with the covenant registered as Document No. BB1171439 on the subject property, and a suitable Wildfire Assessment Report from a qualified engineer or Registered Professional Forester as per the City of Williams Lake Official Community Plan
8) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the 2nd Annual Soap Box Derby on Friday, June 20, 2014 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Fourth Avenue from the top of Barnard Street to Mackenzie Avenue
9) Council awarded the contract to replace the arena roof over Rink #1 and Rink #2 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Mainline Roofing for the bid price of $478,400, excluding applicable taxes.
10) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the Cariboo Potters' Guild to use the portion of the City boulevard on Fourth Avenue in front of the Kiwanis Park tennis courts and adjacent to the Seniors Activity Centre driveway from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, June 28, 2014 for their 'Mugging in the Park' fundraising event
11) After a public hearing - Council gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2212 (Disability Off Street Parking Regulations)
12) Council adopt several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:
a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #21-2014, the report of the Planner dated June 12, 2014 regarding Road Closure of Signal Point Road Lake Access be received and it be a policy that the City of Williams Lake not dispose of lake access property.
b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #22-2014, Staff report back to Council with an inventory of existing City owned lake access that includes the functionality of each and options for development if possible.
c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #23-2014, Staff be directed to prepare a report for Council's consideration recommending a smoke-free bylaw for Williams Lake.
13) Council received a letter from the Tl'etinqox-T'in Health Department dated May 21, 2014 requesting a financial donation towards their Culture Camp scheduled for July 7 to 17, 2014 at Raven Lake
a) Council agreed to meet with TNG Chiefs in the future in regards to mutual matters
14) Council received a letter from Williams Lake Elks Lodge and Royal Purple thanking the City for the conference incentive grant towards their hosting of the Provincial Elks and Provincial Royal Purple Conferences at the Elks Hall in Williams Lake on May 30 and June 1, 2014
15) Council received In-Camera Report #3-2014 with the approved In-Camera motion as follows:
Moved and Seconded
That pursuant to the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 26, 2014, Council award the 2014 Accessibility Award of Merit to the Williams Lake Library.
Members of Council reported on their activities in the community. Councillor Rathor announced that he will go up against Mayor Cook in November's civic election
Council agreed to adjourn at 7:55pm
Prior to the official start of the mayoral campaign, Councillor Rathor needs to provide clarity to the electorate about the adverse publicity that has dogged him during this past term in office. First, there was the conflict of interest allegations regarding the construction of the Best Western Hotel on South Broadway and an alleged silent partnership. Then he needs to come clean about the reasons charges were stayed and not dismissed in the obstruction of justice case. The public needs to understand that by staying the charges, Crown has the legal right to reinstate them within one year. If elected as Mayor, would Mr. Rathor commit to resigning should those charges be reinstated against him? Finally, I am troubled that someone's house is firebombed twice in one night and there has been no explanation even offered to ease the public's angst. Do we even know you, Mr. Rathor? I am not in any political camp but these are questions that need to be answered.