Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Mtg - June 3rd

Present - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Councillors Danica Hughes and SPS Rathor


Darrell Garceau - City Manager (CAO)
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services/Corporate Officer
Margaret Stewart - Director of Finance
Deb Radolla - Mgr of Active Living
Brendan Foote - Bylaw Services Officer
Reg Ryan - Manager of Transportation/Buildings

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting agenda approved and COW Mins of May 20th, 2014 approved


1) Cat Prevette and Liliana Dragowska from the Community Arts Council (CAC) appeared before the Committee to discuss their Aboriginal Day Mural Project in Boitanio Park. Read more here

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair on behalf of the Committee thanked the delegation for their time/information

Motion - That the request of the CAC be approved

2) Gina Curran, Senior Regional Transit Manager and Doug Strobl, Manager of Sales and Revenue from BC Transit appeared before the Committee to discuss Transit Fares within the City of Williams Lake together with a report from the Mgr of Transportation and Buildings

The Manager of Transportation/Buildings reviewed his report with the Committee

A Question/Answer period ensued

Motion - That the proposed fare hike be supported in principle and Council request Staff to provide information on the timeline for a service review of the Williams Lake Transit System


1) Accessbility Committee Terms of Reference - Proposed Amendments

The Mgr of Active Living presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That the Committee recommend to Council the proposed Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved

2) On-Street Disabled Parking Recommendations

The Mgr of Active Living presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That the Committee recommend to Council it support the painting of four new parking spaces for people with disabilities in the downtown core as identified in the report of the Mgr of Active Living dated May 20th, 2014

Motion - That Council request a report from Staff on a policy for disabled parking in the Downtown Core

3) Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Disabled Parking

The Bylaw Services Officer presented his report along with a Powerpoint Presentation
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That the Committee recommend to Council Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2212 be brought forward to be introduced and given the required readings

4) Second Hand Business Bylaw

The Bylaw Services Officer (B. Foote) presented his report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That the Committee recommend to Council it support the proposal of implementing a more current Second Hand Store Bylaw and that Council direct staff to conduct a public consultation with affected businesses and the community , and the results be presented at a future Committee of the Whole meeting

5) Good Neighbour Bylaw

The Bylaw Services Officer presented his report to the Committee
Discusion ensued thereon

Motion - That Staff bring back a report incorporating the changes to the proposed 'Good Neighbour' Bylaw that were discussed this evening at a future Committee of the Whole meeting

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7:49pm and Williams Lake Council convened a In-Camera meeting in accordance with Section 90(1)(g - potential/actual litigation) of the Community Charter

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