Saturday, June 14, 2014

NC Arena 1 Referendum approved

After many public meetings, 2 Advance Voting sessions and today's General Voting - residents in the City of Quesnel and portions of Cariboo RD Areas A, B, C and I (those paying into North Cariboo Parks and Recreation) were asked to vote on the following:

“Are you in favour of the Cariboo Regional District adopting Loan Authorization Bylaw 4905 to borrow up to $7.5 million over 20 years to provide for the construction of a new arena as part of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service? (Based on 2014 assessed values, the estimated annual cost to undertake this borrowing translates to a residential tax rate of $26/$100,000 of the net taxable assessed value of land and improvements.)”

The Unofficial results are:

Yes - 2,273 (70.2% of all valid votes cast)
No - 962 (29.8% of all valid votes cast)

The next two key dates are as follows:

Wed, June 18th - Chief Election Officer (A. Johnston) makes official declaration of Arena 1 Referendum results

Friday, June 27th - Bylaw #4905 presented to Cariboo RD Board for consideration of adoption


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