Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 9th mtg

Present - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Brisco, Cave, Coleman, Elliot, and Roodenburg

Absent - Councillor S. Thapar


B. Johnson - City Manager
G. Albers - Deputy City Manager
C. Anderson - Communcations Supervisor
K. Bolton - Director of Corporate/Financial Services
K. Coombs - A/Director of Public Works
J. Norburn - Director of Community Services
T. Turner - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 7pm
Moment of Silence observed in light of RCMP Deaths in Moncton, NB

Invocation (Opening Prayer) given by Councillor M. Cave

Agenda, as amended, approved
Minutes of May 26th Council meeting approved along with minutes of the Public Hearing for Bylaws 1734/1735 held on May 27th


1) Dr. John Havens was presented with a standing ovation of thanks for his 50 years of medical service to the people of Quesnel.  A donation of $50 was given to the Baker Creek Enhancement Society (BCES) as a gesture of appreciation by Quesnel Council - the BCES is a group that is near/dear to Dr Haven's heart

2) Mayor Sjostrom presented Margo Rose with a Heritage Plaque for St. John the Divine Anglican Church which was built in 1926


1) Council received the May 15th minutes of the Tourism/Civic Pride Committee

2) Council received Admin Rpt #52/14 regarding the annual Drinking Water report

3) Council received Admin Rpt #47/14 regarding Strategic Community Investment Funds for 2014

4) Council received Admin Rpt #48/14 regarding the process for 2014 Permissive Tax Exemptions

5) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #1738 (Voting Day Registration) by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Brisco, Cave, Coleman, Elliot and Roodenburg
Negative - Mayor Sjostrom

Editor's Note - Mayor Sjostrom expressed concern about no voters list for campaign purposes being provided to candidates (either Mayor or Councillor) prior to General Voting Day/Advanced Voting Days

6) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #1739 (Quesnel General Local Government Election Bylaw)

7) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #1711 (Records/Retention)

8) Council approved Development Permit DP2014-75 for the construction of a single detached dwelling (Dyke Rd - Eastman)

9) Council approved Development Permit DP2014-74 for the construction of a detached accessory building as proposed at 1436 North Fraser Drive (Fookes) with 7 conditions attached to this Development Permit

10) Council approved Development Permit DP2014-72 for the redevelopment of Design Flooring at 1295 Hwy 97N with 5 conditions attached to this Development Permit

11) Council received the Accounts Payable cheque run

12) Councillor Elliot reported on two items from the Council Information Package

13) Council received a press release from the Ministry of Advanced Education regarding Quesnel Retraining Opportunities (Mill Closure)

14) Council received a letter for financial assistance from Jasmine MacDonald (North American Prospects). Councillor E. Coleman put forward a motion to donate $100 to Ms. MacDonald and it was defeated by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Coleman, Cave and Brisco (3)
Negative - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Elliot and Roodenburg (3)

15) Council received a letter for financial assistance for Kids Kare Centre for Aboriginal Day on June 21st

16) (Late Item #1) - Council received a letter from the Hon. Christy Clark requesting that Council put forward its' UBCM Minister Meeting requests. Matter to be further discussion at a future meeting of Quesnel Council

17) (Late Item #2) - Council agreed to forward a letter of protest to MOTI (Min of Transporation/Infrastructure) against shutting down a bridge along the Purden Lake route, at the request of the District of Wells. The Cariboo RD Board also did the same at their June 6th meeting

18) Council agreed to postpone 3rd Reading consideration of Bylaws 1734/1735 (OCP/Zoning Amendments - Secondary Suites) until June 30th when a full Council is available

Quesnel Council reported on their various activities

Council adjourned at 8:47pm

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