Saturday, June 21, 2014

Race for Quesnel's Mayor

Bob Simpson, the former MLA for Cariboo-North (2005-2013) confirmed that he will be competing for the Office of Mayor - City of Quesnel in this November's civic election.

Read his note to his Facebook followers here while you can read an item from the local radio station here

Mr. Simpson states that he has 3 key planks in his election platform:

a) Fiscal
b) Social
c) Environment

Quesnel's current Mayor, Mary Sjostrom, has not officially confirmed her political intentions for November but did recently confirm to Andrew Kurjata (CBC Daybreak North Co-Host) via Twitter that it is her current plan to run for re-election

The only remaining question is whether or not former Quesnel Councillors Ron Paull or Ron Craigmyle or both will also mount a bid for Quesnel Mayor.  These two gentlemen were candidates in the Quesnel Mayoral race in 2011 and both lost to Mayor Sjostrom in the last civic election

I suspect we will know that answer by September...



  1. I wonder if he would consider a run at the top office inWilliams Lake oops he,s too honest.

  2. Not much of a choice here. Mayor Mary hasn't done anything and Mr. Simpson can't get along with anyone.
