Tuesday, June 10, 2014

WL Council Highlights - June 10th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, and Zacharias

Absent - Councillors L. Walters and G.Bourdon


Geoff Goodall -  GM of Planning/Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Mgr of Legislative Services
C. Hutton - Planner
D. Radolla - Mgr of Active Living
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - Mgr of IT

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Minutes of May 27th WL Council meeting approved
Agenda approved, as amended


1) Linda Pinnette from the Heritage Advisory Committee appeared before Council to discuss Upcoming Heritage Circles Event and to give an update on the Committee's affairs


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending May 29 and June 5, 2014

2) Council received a report from Councillor SPS Rathor regarding the 2014 FCM Convention at Niagara Falls, ON

3) Council received an application for DVP #9-2014 (SportChek Sign - Prosperity Ridge). The application will be formally considered by Council at its' July 8th meeting

4) Council received an application for DVP #10-2014 (Mary LeBlanc - 1707 Signal Pt Rd). The application will be formally considered by Council at its' July 8th meeting

5) Council approved the request of Lynette Patenaude of 153 Mile Construction for an exemption from the minimum lot width as required by Section 944 (1)(a) of the Local Government Act to allow for the proposed subdivision of Lot 2, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 27693, Except Plan PGP3654, situate at 985 Mackenzie Avenue North.

6) Council awarded the Stormwater Management Phase 3 project tender to Bree Contracting Ltd. for a total cost of $461,095, excluding GST, and the engineering construction services to TRUE Consulting Group for a total cost of $30,000, excluding GST and Staff be authorized to look at options for the grant and return a report to Council for consideration

7a) Council agreed to cancel the tender for the CN Rail Pedestrian Underpass project and Staff were directed to notify all bidders of the decision due to tender being over the approved budget

7b) Council directed Staff to report back on projects that fits the criteria for the grant for the consideration of Council

8) Council ratified several Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #11-2014, the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 16, 2014 regarding the Positive Ticketing Program be received and the program be endorsed.

b) That pursuant to Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #12-2014, the agenda item summary of Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, CRD dated May 21, 2014 regarding the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Pool Renovations and Upgrade Project - Communications Working Group Meeting Notes of May 14, 2014 be received.

c) That Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #13-2014, together with the agenda item summary of Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, CRD dated May 21, 2014, be received and the results of the special voting opportunity conducted May 15, 2014 to authorize the reallocation of the $1,500 Fee for Service for organization of the 2014 Canada Day event from the WLCBIA to the City of Williams Lake be ratified.

9) Council received the report of the Planner containing an update on the Heritage Advisory Committee and information on their upcoming Heritage Circles event being held June 29, 2014 at 1:00 PM at the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin and Council encouraged the community to participate

10) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the annual Grad Parade

11) Council adopted 5 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #15-2014, Council endorse the request from the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake and their proposed mural project in Boitanio Park on Aboriginal Day, June 21, 2014

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #16-2014, 

i) Council support the fare increase contained in the reports of the Manager of Transportation & Buildings and BC Transit, dated April 14, 2014 and January 2014 respectively & effective Sept 1st,2014 ($1.25 per rider to $1.75 per rider), and Staff report back to Council on fare structure and advise the Cariboo RD/WL Indian Band accordingly.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, and Zacharias 
Negative - Councillor SPS Rathor

ii) Council request BC Transit conduct a service review for Williams Lake and area.

c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #17-2014, Council approve the amendments to the Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as contained in the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 22, 2014.

d) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #18-2014, Council approve the revisions to and additional disabled parking spaces as contained in the report of the Manager of Active Living dated May 20, 2014

e) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #19-2014, the report of the Senior Bylaw Officer dated April 1, 2014 regarding Off-Street Disabled Parking recommendations be received and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2212 be given first and second readings; and further, a Public Hearing be set for June 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

12) Council gave approval to close the alley below Oliver Street which connects Third Avenue South and Fourth Avenue South for the Annual Youth Street Party which is put on by the local Boys/Girls Club

13) Council gave approval for the annual Street Party put on by the local BIA

14) Council received/approved the May 28th Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee minutes

15) Council approved several Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on June 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2014 at the Stampede Grounds

16) Council proclaimed the week of June 23 to 27 as "Legion Week" in the City of Williams Lake

17) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of June 10th as follows:

• May 23, 2014 - 2014 Open for Business Award Information and Application;
• May 26, 2014 - Williams Lake Chamber of Commerce wins 2014 Chamber of the Year;
• May 26, 2014 - Peace River Regional District re Site C Clean Energy Project Joint Review Panel Report Recommendations;
• June 6, 2014 - CRD Board Highlights.

Members of Council reported on their activities

Council adjourned at 7:38pm and after a brief recess, Council convened a In-Camera meeting under Section 90(1)(b) of the Community Charter

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