Friday, July 11, 2014

CRD Board Highlights - July 11th mtg

Editor's Note - once again, on behalf of Area 'D' as the Area D Alternate Director, I attended today's Cariboo RD Board Meeting

 Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

New Northern Health Chief Medical Health Officer           
     Northern Health recently announced their new Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Sandra Allison. Dr. Allison comes from Manitoba where she spent the last two years as a medical health officer based in Brandon. Her career also includes practice as a family physician in Brandon, Churchill and Winnipeg. Further information about Northern Health can be found online at

Northern Medical Programs Trust
     The CCRHD received correspondence from Mr. Gerry Thiessen, President, of the University of Northern BC’s Northern Medical Programs Trust. The letter outlined the Trust’s appreciation for the support and financial contribution received from the CCRHD to the Northern Medical Programs Trust. Since the first disbursement of $20,000 in 2006-07, nearly 400 students have benefitted from more $600,000 in financial support over the years. More information about the Northern Medical Trust Program is available online at

Support for Orange Shirt Day
     The Cariboo Regional District authorized up to $1,500 of Administration funds to support the 2014 Orange Shirt Day events taking place on September 30. The purpose of the program is to continue the reconciliation process and raise awareness about the residential school experience. This year’s ceremonies will be held, starting at 10 a.m. in Boitanio Park in Williams Lake, and at 1 p.m. in the Arena Ball fields in 100 Mile House. More information is available on Facebook at

Community Works Funds Approved
     The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors authorized up to $40,000 of Community Works Funding to install REALice technology at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. REALice would allow the Complex to use cold water on the arenas’ ice surfaces, rather than hot water. Using hot water on ice surfaces has been the preferred method in arenas as heating water removes air bubbles; however, REALice technology is able to remove the bubbles. Therefore, the water is not required to be heated, resulting in energy savings. REALice technology also improves the quality of ice surfaces.

     The Regional District also approved Community Works Funds for the Watch Lake and District Women’s Institute. Up to $9,600 of Community Works Funding will be used by the Institute to install an energy efficient furnace at the Watch Lake Community Hall.

     Later in the meeting, the Board also endorsed an application for up to $18,500 of Community Works Funding from the Forest Grove and District Recreation Society. The funds will be used to perform an energy efficient lighting upgrade at the Forest Grove Community Hall.

Director Initiative Funds Authorized
     The Regional District authorized up to $600, shared equally from Electoral Areas G, H & L Director, Initiative Funds for the South Cariboo Fall Fair. The funds will be used to sponsor Don Basserman as a guest speaker at this year’s event. Mr. Basserman is a well-known speaker about urban farming and the sustainability of food supply.

Annual Report
During the meeting, the Cariboo Regional District unveiled its 2013 Annual Report. The document features departmental overviews, 2013 accomplishments, and goals outlined for the upcoming year. The report is available on the new CRD website at while hard copies will be available for viewing at all CRD offices soon.

Support for Reconciliation Canada
     The CRD will be providing a letter of support to Reconciliation Canada in support of the 100 BC Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops. Reconciliation Canada requires letters of support from the local communities where events are planned in conjunction with Orange Shirt Day on September 30. In partnership with the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres and the Union of BC Municipalities, Reconciliation Canada has been called on to deliver 100 Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops in communities throughout BC. These Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops bring local leaders and community change-makers together to develop a shared understanding of our collective history, examine what reconciliation means and take positive steps to building vibrant and resilient communities.

Upcoming Meetings
August 22 – CCRHD & CRD Board Meetings

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