Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 30th

Present - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Brisco, Cave, Elliott, Roodenburg and Thapar (entered meeting at 7:08pm)

Absent - Councillor Ed Coleman


Byron Johnson - City Mgr (CAO)
Gina Albers - Deputy Corporate Administrator
Kari Bolton - Director of Financial/Corporate Services
Tanya Turner - Development Services Mgr
Carol Anderson - Communications Supervisor

Meeting called to order by Mayor Sjostrom at 7pm
Invocation (Opening Prayer) led by Councillor S. Elliott

Meeting Agenda approved with 3 Late Items

Meeting resolved into Committee of the Whole with Acting Mayor J. Brisco in the Chair

Committee Delegations:

1) Susan MacNeil - Seniors' Advocacy Service appeared before the Committee to discuss their services they offer and request their information be put on the City of Quesnel website

A Question and Answer period ensued
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. MacNeil for her time/information

City Manager Johnson reported that he will look into possibility of placing Seniors Advocacy Services information on the City's website

2) Allen Langdon from MMBC appeared before the Committee to discuss MMBC's new Recycling Services to start in Quesnel in September - read more here

A Question/Answer period ensued
The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Langdon for his time/information

Committee Business:

1) LED, Portable and Off-Premises Signage

The Mgr of Development Services presented her report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

1) It receive Admin Report #59/14
2) Staff be directed to bring policy amendments for discussion permitting the limited use of temporary signs in the select areas under strict regulations to a future Committee of the Whole Session
3) Staff be directed to consult with BIA's on this matter and report back

Committee of the Whole adjourned at 8:03pm and Council resumed at this time

Council Mins of June 23rd were approved by Council

Council Business:

1) The Deputy Corporate Administrator reported on a Resolution brought out of In-Camera as follows:

THAT Council directs staff to dispose of the house by way of sale and relocation, or by demolition to the general public, via public advertising of a sealed bid process, whereby the house is located at 442 Kinchant Street and legally described as Lot 2, Town of Quesnel, Plan 29057;

AND THAT Council advises the City of Quesnel will remain the registered property owner of the described land;

AND THAT the described land will be returned to a safe and reasonable condition once the improvements have been removed from the described land.

2) Council rejected 3rd Reading of OCP/Zoning Amendment Bylaws 1734/1735 (Secondary Suites) by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors S. Elliott and M. Cave
Negative - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Brisco, Roodenburg and Thapar

Council then requested Staff to report back on options for Safe Housing & Multi-Family Homes as requested by Mayor Sjostrom

3) Council received the June 12th Tourism/Civic Pride Committee meeting minutes.  Councillor Elliott reported on Committee activities at this meeting

4) Mayor Sjostrom reported on the Cariboo RD Board meeting held on June 27th

5) Council approved Development Permit #73-2014 (The Occidental - 228 Front St) but with the following conditions:

1. consolidating the three lots upon which the businesses sits into one lot;
2. ensuring any exterior siding building materials meets Downtown Core Design Guidelines; and
3. all signage must meet the City of Quesnel Sign Bylaw No. 1627, 2002 requirements.

6) Council approved the following with regard to an Accessibility Advisory Committee:

a) That the Draft Terms of Reference be approved and formation of the Committee be approved
b) That an interim budget of $1,500 for Committee expenses be approved
c) That Staff report back on Committee appointments
d) That Council appoint Mayor Sjostrom as its' representative on the Committee

7) Council received the Accounts Payable Report

8) Council received a letter from the Canada 2015 Winter Games and agreed to recommend James Gimmel as a Torch Relayer and further directed Staff to look into possibility of hosting a Community Torch Celebration

9) Council received a letter from the BC Small Business Roundtable regarding "Open for Business" Award and agreed to submit an application for the "Open for Business" Award

10) Council received a letter from Hon. Coralee Oakes regarding 2014 Strategic Community Initative Funds

Mayor Sjostrom reported on future Quesnel Council meetings

Quesnel Council agreed to adjourn at 9:19pm

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