Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wildwood Transfer Station Improvements

As some of my readers who reside in Wildwood or the immediate area in Electoral Area 'D' of the Cariboo RD may already be aware - the local Wildwood Transfer Station is undergoing improvements to convert to a controlled access site.  Details from the Cariboo Regional District are below:

During the summer of 2014 the Wildwood Transfer Station will be under construction to provide a new waste management system that will allow for waste to be compacted on site. The site will also be expanded to create a wood yard at the transfer station. A Share Shed will return and household recycling bins will be provided in October. During and after construction an attendant will be on site during hours of operation to ensure the site is being used properly and to compact the waste on a regular basis. Public consultation to develop hours of operation for the site will happen during the summer. To sign up for electronic updates on the site and public meetings or surveys email with “Wildwood Transfer Station” in the Subject line.

For more information on the Regional District's Solid Waste Management Function - click here


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