Tuesday, July 15, 2014

WL Committee of the Whole Mtg - July 15th

Present - Acting Mayor I. Bonnell (Meeting Chair) and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent - Mayor Kerry Cook


Darrell Garceau - City Manager
Rena Schill - Corp Services Records Management Coordinator
Margaret Stewart - Director of Finance
Alan Madrigga - Mgr of Economic Development

Agenda approved with 3 Late Items
Mins of June 17th COW Meeting approved

Delegations - None


1) Auditor's Management Letter

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the letter be received

2) UBCM Meeting Requests

The City Manager presented his reports to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Council support UBCM Meeting requests for Premier Clark and Ministries of Health, Justice, Forests, Aboriginal Affairs, Energy, Jobs/Tourism along with topics for Tourism & Woodland Dr Water/Sewer project update along with meeting requests for RCMP and BC Transit

3) Late Item #1  - 3rd Avenue Speed Bump

Councillor Rathor presented an oral report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Committee of the Whole requests a report from Planning/Ops Committee on the matter of traffic calming devices on 3rd Avenue (by Marie Sharpe Elementary) and such report be presented to a future Committee of the Whole meeting

4) Late Item #2 - Dutch Point No-Parking Signs

Councillor Rathor presented an oral report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Staff be requested to provide an update on the matter of Dutch Point No-Parking at a future Committee of the Whole meeting

5) Late Item #3 - Potholes/Road Repairs on City Streets

Councillor Rathor presented an oral report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

No motion made

Video presentation called "20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown"


  1. where has the Mayor been for the last few weeks? why such a low profile? is she waiting to see what comes of the Degagne trial before she comes back into the public eye?

  2. Anonymous at 9:46pm..

    Thank you for your comment. Mayor Cook was absent from a Council in June due to a previous engagement. She was also absent from the July 8th Council meeting along with Councillors Zacharias/Hughes due to testify in the Don DeGagne civil trial in Vancouver

    She was also absent from tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting as she was attending the 2013 Mining Sustainability Award presentation to Gibraltar Mines being held at Signal Point Gaming Centre along with CRD Directors and others in the community

    As for the outcome of the DeGagne trial - she would no more than I about how the judge will rule. As I've said previously - I expect that ruling to come out in the next few weeks...

