Wednesday, August 20, 2014

City of WL to explore additional Lake Access

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Following the August 19 regular Council meeting, Williams Lake City Council has resolved to take a number of actions to improve access to Williams Lake, both at the Dutch Point Road access and at other sites.

These actions will be taken:

• Discuss with CN Rail and investigate costs to widen Dutch Point Road where possible to
• allow for some parking and provision of a turn-around;
• Work with Scout Island operators to extend gate hours;
• Bylaw Department to continue increased enforcement of City bylaws in the area, and
• work with RCMP to enforce parking, disorderly, drunkenness and noise violations;
• Develop improved signage;
• Develop a communication plan to the City residents regarding available lake accesses
• and boat launch areas;
• Investigate limiting Dutch Point Road access to pedestrians only. 
At the Aug. 19 meeting, City Council was presented with a petition with more than 300 signatures requesting that limited parking be made available on Dutch Point Road near the boat launch. This spring, the City restricted parking along the road to ensure adequate space in the event emergency vehicles need to access properties along the road.
City Council will make improving access to Williams Lake a priority. The City is currently compiling a lake access inventory, and staff will provide options and rough cost estimates for potential development of other boat launch and public access areas on Williams Lake, to be considered by Council at an upcoming meeting. Community consultation will take place further in the process.

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