Friday, August 22, 2014

CRD Board Highlights - Aug 22nd mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Mount Polley Update

Steve Robertson, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Don Parsons, COO for the Imperial Metals Corporation, appeared before the Board to provide an update on the Mount Polley tailings pond breach. Mount Polley updates can be viewed on their website at Updates regarding the water and sediment samples are posted on the Ministry of Environment site at and Interior Health at         

Cariboo Memorial Hospital Trust Update

Carol Taphorn, Chair of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Trust, presented information to the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) about the Trust and current fundraising projects underway. The Trust is requesting 40 per cent funding towards a digital mammography unit. More information about the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Trust is online at

Agricultural Policy

The CRD Board received a presentation by staff regarding a draft Agricultural Policy. The original draft was presented to the Board in 2011 and discussions that ensued with affected Provincial agencies and stakeholders, has resulted in the 2014 Agricultural Policy. The revisions were also prompted by new provincial guidelines and standards related to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), and the need to create a more comprehensive document that would complement the agricultural policies of three newly adopted CRD Official Community Plans. The CRD 2004 Implementation Plan and Schedule of the Agriculture/Forestry Review was examined to ensure that its concept and intent remain relevant and incorporated into the 2014 Agricultural policy. The final draft policy will be brought back to a future board meeting for adoption. Further information about this proposed policy is available on today’s agenda on the CRD website at

Quesnel Fringe Official Community Plan

The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors gave first and second reading to the proposed Quesnel Fringe Official Community Plan (OCP) (Bylaw 4844). The proposed OCP will now proceed to the Public Hearing process which will be held on Sept. 4, 2014 at the Quesnel and District Seniors’ Center, 461 Carson Avenue at 7 p.m. The final draft of the Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan is available for viewing on the CRD website at

NDIT Applications Endorsed

The Cariboo Regional District will be supporting three applications to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT).

The Anahim Lake Airport is applying for $37,800 in grant funding under the Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program. This project will involve removal of encroaching trees and brush to continue providing current runway service levels and anticipating improved service levels.

The Big Lake Community Association is undertaking improvements to the Big Lake Community Hall. The request is for $17,000 in funding from the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to replace the twenty-seven year old, severely compromised roof; extend the present limited handicapped access; and replace the out-of-date toilets in the men’s and women’s washrooms.

The West Chilcotin Tourism Association (WCTA) wishes to undertake a study that will provide a detailed analysis of economic effects in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region resulting from reduced service offered by BC Ferries' new Discovery Coast Connector service. The funding request to NDIT is for $5,500 from the Capital Investment Analysis Account. The WCTA will deliver the results of the analysis to both the Government of British Columbia and BC Ferries in hopes of securing service adjustments, including appropriate capital investments and allocations of ferry assets, to help restore BC's transportation infrastructure, and promote growth of tourism and the general economy of the region.

Community Works Funding for Big Lake

Up to $6,500 of Community Works funding was approved by the CRD Board from the 2014 Community Hall Energy Improvements program. The funding will be used to upgrade roof insulation at the Big Lake Community Hall. This work is part of a larger roof replacement project, which has a cost of $39,247 and will also involve the application to the NDIT. The current roof is 27 years old and severely compromised; a new roof will halt existing water leaks and will reduce energy use.

Area 'F' and 'K' Special Projects Funds Authorized

The Cariboo Regional District Board authorized up to $1,000 which will be allocated and split evenly between the Electoral Areas F and K Special Project Funds. The funds will be used towards the 2015 Canada Winter Games Torch Celebration, should the City of Williams Lake application be successful to host an event. Later in the meeting the Board also authorized $500 of Electoral Area F and $250 from Electoral Area D Special Projects Funds. These funds will be used to support the Save-the-Salmon Traditional Pow-Wow to be held in Horsefly on Sept. 6 and 7, 2014.

During the meeting the Board also approved $500 of Special Projects Funds to be shared equally between Electoral Areas A, B, C and I to sponsor the North Cariboo Harvest Festival. The Fair is taking place on September 20 at the College of New Caledonia, North Cariboo campus.

Upcoming Meetings

Sept, 12 – CCRHD & CRD Board Meetings

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