Friday, August 22, 2014

CRD Board Mtg (Morning Session) - Aug 22nd

Present - Chair A. Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Glassford, William, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, Sjostrom, Bonnell and Campsall


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services
S. Burich - Mgr of Communication

Meeting called to order at 9:49am

Agenda approved
July 11th CRD Board Mins approved


1) Aug 11th Delegation Memo of Business received

2) CRD Bylaw #4921 (Area D) given 1st/2nd Reading

3) The Board rejected ALR Application F-20140023 due to conflict with the Ag Policies contained in Central Cariboo Rural Land Use Bylaw #3503,1999 by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Sorley, Glassford, William, Mernett and Rattray (9)
Negative - Directors Deb Bischoff (Area D) , Byron Kemp (Area E ) and Margo Wagner (Area H) (3)

4) CRD Bylaw #4484 (Quesnel Fringe OCP) was given 1st/2nd Reading as presented/amended on Aug 22nd, 2014

5) CRD Bylaw #4929 (North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw) was given 1st/2nd Reading as presented on Aug 22nd, 2014

6) CRD Bylaw #4930 (Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw) was given 1st/2nd Reading

7) Ag Land Commission Decisions Report received

8) The Board received a report from its' Mgr of Development Services in regards to 'Best Practices for Regional District Bylaw Referrals'

9) The Board received the May/June 2014 Building Stats report

10) The Board deferred for 90 days a 'Unsightly Premises' Resolution (G. Mach - Area 'L') after a presentation from Mr. Mach

11) The Board received/endorsed-in-principle the draft Cariboo RD Agriculture Policy after receiving a Powerpoint Presentation from CRD Planning Tech F. Sanna.  The Policy will now be referred to stakeholders for input

Meeting recessed at 11:04am to resume the CCRHD Board Meeting
Meeting resumed at 11:32am

Delegation - Don Parsons/Steve Robertson from Imperial Metals appeared before the Board to gave a verbal update on the Mount Polley incident of Aug 4th

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mssrs Parsons/Robertson for their time/information

Meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:29pm

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