Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Support City of WL for Local Torch Relay (Cdn Winter Games 2015)

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The entire community is encouraged to vote online for Williams Lake to host a Community Torch Celebration in early 2015 as part of the lead-up to the Canada Winter Games in Prince George.
Three communities will be chosen to host Community Torch Celebrations, to be determined by online vote. Williams Lake will compete with Quesnel for the Central Interior zone’s celebration. Residents are encouraged to vote for Williams Lake at Voting opened today, August 27th, and closes on September 12th. Winners will be announced on Sept. 24th.
The City of Williams Lake has submitted an Expression of Interest to host a celebration, which would celebrate all of the unique aspects of the area through song, dance and word and would recognize the importance that culture and sport play in the area. The event would feature local cultural groups, performers, and musicians, as well as a free family swim and skate before or after the celebration event. The City has committed $5,000 to the event.
Should Williams Lake be awarded a Community Torch Celebration, volunteers for a Community Organizing Committee would be sought to organize the event, which will take place in the first two weeks of January 2015. One or two City councillors would also serve on the Committee, and City staff would provide administrative support.
For two weeks in February of 2015, Prince George will host the 2015 Canada Winter Games; the largest multi-sport and cultural event to be held in northern BC. The 2015 Games will draw thousands of athletes and spectators to northern BC in anticipation of watching our future Olympians. Hosting the Canada Games brings nation-wide exposure through extensive media coverage and an opportunity to showcase the beauty and opportunities that northern BC presents.
The 2015 Canada Winter Games Torch Relay will engage residents of the region, British Columbia and the rest of Canada with spirit and passion in the lead up to the Opening Ceremonies on February 13th, 2015. The 2015 Games are kicking off the Torch Relay with the 2015 Games Summer Torch Tour in the summer of 2014 across northern BC.
On October 15th, 2014 a national ceremony will be held to light the Canada Games Torch from the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The Canada Winter Games Flame will then travel across the country to kick-off the BC leg of the Relay in Victoria on October 17th, passing through two previous Canada Games Host communities on its way to Illuminate the North.
On November 4, 2014, 100 days will be left on the countdown clock to the 2015 Canada Winter Games. The northern BC route of the torch relay will start in Prince George at the newly renovated Canada Games Plaza and begin to travel throughout northern BC.
Community Torch Celebration Voting Page

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