Wednesday, September 17, 2014

CRD WL Town Hall Mtg - Sept 17th


City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook and Councillors Bonnell (6pm), Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley, Area 'E' Director Byron Kemp and Area D Alternate Director Steve Forseth


Ken MacInnis - City of WL Communications Coordinator
Scott Reid - CFO, Cariboo RD
Shelly Burich - Cariboo RD Mgr of Communications

Media - None
Public - 3

Presentation commenced at 5:30pm by Cariboo RD CFO Scott Reid

A Question/Answer period ensued with CFO Reid answering queries from those in attendance

Director Sorley/Councillor Walters briefed everyone on the Nov 15th Sam Ketchum Pool Referendum

A Question/Answer period ensued with Director Sorley responding to questions

Town Hall meeting concluded at 6:30pm

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