Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ed Mead for Williams Lake Mayor?

In yesterday's Weekend Advisor (WL Tribune newspaper)- columnist Ken Wilson floated the name of former Williams Lake City Councillor Ed Mead (2005-08) as another potential candidate for Mayor of Williams Lake in November's election.  Read here

I have met Mr. Mead a number of times when he was a WL City Councillor.  He didn't give me the impression that he wanted to become Mayor of Williams Lake or seek higher political ambitions (MLA or MP) but as I said on Facebook yesterday - anything is possible in politics but I do believe I'm on safe grounds here by saying that it is probable that Mr. Mead will not be a candidate for Williams Lake Mayor on the November 15th WL Mayoral ballot

Should Mr. Mead decide to run for Mayor - he would join a 'crowded' race for Mayor of Williams Lake in November whose names now or could include:

 Confirmed - Kerry Cook/Surinderpal Rathor

Being lobbied on Facebook or elsewhere - Walt Cobb/Jason Ryll/Scott Nelson


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