Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pre-Candidate Info Sessions

Last night from 6:30pm to 8pm in Quesnel Council Chambers - the City of Quesnel hosted a "Pre-Candidate Meeting" to go over what to expect if elected and related matters.  View the meeting notice here.  I applaud the City of Quesnel for putting this event on to let candidates be aware of what they can expect if elected...

In the meantime - I have suggested to Williams Lake City Manager (CAO) Darrell Garceau that the City should consider doing the same here for Williams Lake Council candidates and maybe even in partnership with Mark Thiessen (SD27 Superintendent) and Janis Bell (Cariboo RD CAO) for candidates running for School Board or the Cariboo Regional District Board.  He has agreed to consider it.  I am hopeful that, if this occurs, it will give potential candidates a glimpse into elected life but I do hope that these sessions occur prior to the end of the nomination period which expires on Friday, Oct 10th at 4pm

On a related matter - I want to publicly commend the tremendous work that Cindy Bouchard (City of WL Chief Election Officer) and her Corporate Services Department has put into the nomination packages for Williams Lake Council - Mayor/Councillor.  Beyond the traditional content, she has included documentation on Local Government and that should allow candidates to fully decide if elected life is truly for them...


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