Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pre-Candidate Mtg - Oct 1st

Editor's Note -- If you are planning to run in November's local government election as an Electoral Area Director (Cariboo RD), Williams Lake City Councillor/Mayor or School Trustee, I strongly encourage you to attend this session being put on by the City of Williams Lake.  I will personally be attending... I congratulate the City for putting on this session as it should help those who are on the 'fence' about running to help them make a decision

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Are you considering a run for City Council, the School Board, or the Regional District (as an Electoral Area Director)? Do you have questions about the work of an elected official and what it entails? As you may know, 2014 is a local election year. Nominations close on October 10th, and voting is on November 15th.

Potential nominees are invited to attend an evening information session on October 1st, 2014. Our intent is to provide clarifications, address your questions, and help you make an informed decision about running for elected office. The following topics will be addressed:

• Common myths about serving as an elected official;
• Roles of individual members versus roles of the Council/Board as a collective body;
• Protocols for Council/Board meetings: Debating, voting, motions;
• Decision making goals, principles; the duty to constituents versus broader duties;
• Interactions between the Council/Board and the administrative staff;
• Interactions of the Council/Board and individual members with the community;
• Transparency versus risk management (open meetings versus closed meetings); and
• Conflicts of interests: Issues and procedures.


This session is co-sponsored by the following organizations:
• City of Williams Lake;
• School District 27; and
• Cariboo Regional District.


In additional to opening comments made by representatives from the three sponsors, the overall presentation and discussion will be led by Mr. Eli Mina, a Vancouver based Registered Parliamentarian and Board effectiveness consultant. Since 1984, Eli has advised his clients on effective decision making, chairing meetings, preventing and dealing with disputes and Boardroom problems, demystifying the rules of order, and minute taking standards.

Date, Time, Location:

Date: Wednesday October 1, 2014.
Timing: 5:30 p.m. Registration and light refreshments, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.: Information session.
Location: Council Chambers, City Hall, 450 Mart Street
To register for the session, contact Cindy Bouchard at 250-392-1773 or cbouchard@williamslake.ca

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