Tuesday, September 23, 2014

SD27 Board Highlights - Sept 23rd mtg

Present - Chair T. Guenther and Trustees Austin, Boehm, Cooper, Neufeld, Pettiman and Van Osch


M, Thiessen - Superintendent
K. Futchner - Secretary-Treasurer
C. Newberry - Recording Secretary
J. Beauchamp - Director of Instruction
H. Manhas - Assistant Superintendent

Meeting called to order at 6:41pm
Meeting agenda approved with 2 Late Items - full Agenda may be viewed here


1) Public Participation (part 1) - No items brought forward

a) Teacher Professional Development - Powerpoint Presentation by the Director of Instruction (J. Beauchamp)

2) Consent Agenda

The following Items were adopted by the Board:

a) Adoption of June 24th Open Board of Education meeting
b) Adoption of Closed Meeting Report - June 24th/July 22nd Board meetings
c) Upcoming Meetings/Conferences -- Oct 28th Board meeting to include an LEA Signing agreement with the Canim Lake Band

d) Correspondence Report
e) Motions/Directions Report
f) Administration Reports

i) Superintendent (written)
ii) Secretary-Treasurer (written)

g) Reports from Board Internal Committees
h) Board Liaison Comittees

i) 5 Year Capital Plan

THAT the Board of Education adopt the Five Year Capital Plan as
presented, addressing the Board's transportation needs, as requested
by the Ministry of Education.

j) Unexpended Aboriginal Education Amount

THAT the Board of Education write to the Minister of Education and
request permission to underspend the District's 2013-2014 targeted
Aboriginal education funding in the amount of $148,972 as per section
106.4(2) of the School Act.

3) Action Items

a) 2013-2014 Audited Financial Statements

THAT the Board of Education receive the 2013-2014 Audited Financial
Statements and submit the Statements to the Ministry of Education, as

b) School Psychologists

THAT the Board of Education supports the pathway proposed by the BC College of Psychologists and the BC Association of School Psychologists that will allow school psychologists to become registrants of the College while maintaining their current credentials and scope of practice

4) Transition to New Board of Education (2014-18)

a) Annual Report from the Board of Education (2011-14)

THAT the Board of Education, at the 28 October 2014 open
meeting of the Board, identify successes, lessons learned, and
outstanding issues to be included in an Annual Report from the
Board, to be completed for the 25 November 2014 meeting.

b) Outstanding Motions and Directions (including Policy)

THAT the Board of Education review its list of Outstanding
Motions and Directions at the next meeting and consider if any of
the motions should be rescinded.

c) Concluding the Work of the Board's Committees

THAT the Board of Education direct the Business, Education and
ad hoc committees of the Board to report back a final report on
the status of any outstanding items, referring them back to the
Board prior to the 25 November 2014 board meeting for the
Board’s further consideration.

d) Board's Annual Self-Review

That the Board of Education release the June 2014 Board Self-Review report to the general public and a copy be forwarded to the BCSTA

e) Late Item - Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services

The Chair reviewed this item with the Board - Committee to be in Williams Lake on Oct 1st.  Present to the Committee?
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Board present to the Committee on Oct 1st

5) Public Participation (Part 2) - No items brought forward

Meeting adjourned at 7:52pm

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