Wednesday, September 10, 2014

South Cariboo Pool subject of heated discussion

At a meeting in 100 Mile Council Chambers this evening from 5-7pm - 20 people including members of the general public, Cariboo Regional District/District of 100 Mile House Staff, local media, 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall and local Councillor Ralph Fossum participated in the annual CRD Town Hall meeting

After the presentation from CRD Chief Financial Officer, Scott Reid -- the topic that received the most discussion at this meeting was the proposed South Cariboo Pool Complex being driven by the local South Cariboo Aquatic Society (view their Facebook page here). Larry Badke launched a verbal tirade at 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall and members of the Aquatic Society present at the meeting, against the project & how the CRD/District of 100 Mile was really the driving force for the project since Sept 2013, which degenerated, at times, into vitriol debate, which I personally regret as we can debate the issues without launching into personal attacks upon individual elected officials... view Mr. Badke's Facebook page opposing the proposed local Pool Complex here while you can view information on the proposed Pool Complex from the Cariboo Regional District here

As I mentioned to a few people in Williams Lake - you could not have such a stark contrast between pool upgrade discussions in Williams Lake/100 Mile House...

In 100 Mile House- bitterly opposed by quite a few in the South Cariboo and is very evident that this pool proposal is deeply dividing the South Cariboo region

In Williams Lake - very little if any opposition expressed to the proposed $11.3 million Sam Ketchum Pool upgrade and this may very well have to do with the long public consultation that the Regional District/City of WL has done since 2012....


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