Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sternig runs for re-election in TNRD Area 'P'

TNRD Area 'P' Director John Sternig
On September 9th - I had noted that former Kamloops Mayor Mel Rothenburger was running to become Director of Electoral Area 'P' (Rivers and the Peaks) of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District.  Read here

Yesterday - current TNRD Area 'P' Director John Sternig emailed me and confirmed that he was indeed going to seek re-election.

He has also authorized me to publish the email he sent to me which is as follows:

Thank you for taking the time to announce Mr Rothenburger running for
director of Area P in the TNRD.  I also intend to file my papers of

I would like to take a minute to comment on the recent CBC interview of Mr.
Rothenburger where he talked about improved fire service.  During that
interview Mel failed to mention the successes in Area P governance about
establishing the only two fire services in all of  the TNRD over the past 6
years.  This happened during my term of office. During my second term as
director, Area P also contributed  federal gas tax funds towards 82.5% of
the purchase of a newer fire engine for the community of McLure.

I sincerely recognize that rural  residents appreciate a balance between
rural values, governmental  rules/bureaucracy and lower taxes. The 10 TNRD
rural areas have different tax  rates that range from $169 - $249 per $ 100
thousand in 2014. Area Ps is the  lowest at  $ 169 per $100 thousand. I
think these issues have more relevance to the voting public than a
candidate's celebrity status.

I trust that good representation for the area and at the board table should
trump a person's popularity and his general interest in  politics. I suppose

that will become evident on November 15th.

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