Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Voter Turnout Competition - PG vs Kamloops vs Kelowna

As a result of the Kamloops "Vote 50" campaign (see blog post on that item here) - Kamloops Council, at the request of Councillor Arjun Singh, agreed to challenge both Prince George and Kelowna Municipal Councils' to get the highest voter turnout.  In light of civic elections having the lowest turnout of all governments (local, provincial and federal), I was pleased to see this happen.

I wonder if any of the 5 Cariboo-Chilcotin local governments (Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake, District of Wells/100 Mile House or Cariboo RD Board) will seek to do the same as Kamloops Council for the 2014 Election

Finally - here are the voter turnout numbers for Prince George, Kamloops and Kelowna from the 2011 Local Government Elections:

Prince George - 28.96%

Kamloops - 29.75%

Kelowna - 33.10%


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