Friday, October 10, 2014

2014 Nomination Period closes at 4pm today!

Today is the last day that anyone can file a nomination package for Councillor, Mayor, Electoral Area Director or School Trustee in the Cariboo-Chilcotin with the local Chief Election Officer or their designate

The Williams Lake Tribune decries the fact, while there are plenty of choices for Williams Lake Mayor or City Councillor, there appears to be a lack of choices for School District 27 or Cariboo Regional District Areas E/F while there will be a battle for the Area D seat between Steve Forseth & Pennie Daffurn.  Read that editorial here while Tribune/Weekend Advisor columnist Ken Wilson says "Don't Vote, Don't Complain" - read here

Meanwhile - as of 8:30am this morning when Chief Election Officers can resume accepting nominations, here are the formal list of candidates listed by organization:

Wells - No information available.  I have been advised of the fact that incumbent Mayor Robin Sharpe is running for re-election and will all but be acclaimed as of 4pm today.  I also understand that at least two of the four incumbent Councillors there are not planning to seek re-election

Quesnel - It will be, barring a last minute decision, Mary Sjostrom (incumbent) vs Bob Simpson (challenger) for Mayor while it'll be the following for Quesnel City Councillor (6 to be elected):

1) L-A Roodenburg - incumbent
2) Scott Elliot - incumbent
3) Ed Coleman - incumbent
4) John Brisco - incumbent
5) Sushil Thapar - incumbent
6) Shawna Siemens
7) Ron Paull
8) Kyle Jones
9) Ernest Gamache

Also - barring a last minute decision, it appears that current Quesnel City Councillor Mike Cave will not be seeking another term.  If this is confirmed today at 4pm - it will end, in my view, a successful two term run of Mike Cave as Quesnel Councillor and as such - I would wish him the very best in his future endeavours...

Williams Lake - It will be a four way contest for Mayor of Williams Lake consisting of John Bjornstrom, former Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb, current Williams Lake Councillor Surinderpal Rathor and incumbent Mayor Kerry Cook (Cook will be filing her election papers today while the 3 challengers have filed already).  As for WL City Councillors, here is the list of candidates so far (6 to be elected):

1) Ivan Bonnell - incumbent
2) Laurie Walters - incumbent
3) Sue Zacharias - incumbent
4) Peter Bowman
5) Sue Lachance
6) Wayne Lucier
7) Bobbie-Jo Macnair
8) Tovi Pare
9) Craig Smith
10) Jason Ryll
11) Marnie Brenner
12) Scott Nelson (nomination papers to be filed later today)

I have heard that there may be 1 more candidate to come... while it appears that Geoff Bourdon does not plan to seek re-election.  I have sent him an email thanking him for his two terms of public service to the electors of Williams Lake.  Meanwhile - I will be sending the same to outgoing Councillor Danica Hughes as she announced last August that she would not be seeking re-election in the 2014 Local Gov't election

100 Mile House - Barring a last minute nomination -- it'll be a repeat of the 2011 Election of incumbent Mayor Mitch Campsall vs challenger Maureen Pinkney.  While for 100 Mile Councillor (4 to be elected):

1) Ralph Fossum - incumbent
2) Bill Hadden - incumbent
3) Spence Henderson - incumbent
4) Dave Mingo - incumbent
5) Peter Reid
6) John McCarvill
7) Rita Giesbrecht

I am surprised that publicly announced Len Doucette has yet to file his nomination papers.  It appears that he has changed his mind...

Cariboo Regional District:

There will be 6 Electoral Areas being re-elected or elected by acclamation as follows:

Byron Kemp - Area E
Joan Sorley - Area F
Al Richmond - Area G
Margo Wagner - Area H
Jim Glassford - Area I
Brian Coakley - Area L

While there will be battles in Electoral Areas A, B and D as follows:

Area A - Ted Armstrong (incumbent) vs Cory Delves vs Susan MacNeill
Area B - Heloise Dixon-Warren (incumbent) vs Jerry Bruce
Area D - Steve Forseth vs Pennie Daffurn

No word on nominees for Areas J or K although I did talk with current Area J Director Roger William earlier this week and he said that he was indeed running for re-election so he may be filing later today.

No word on any candidate(s) for Area K.  I have also heard, via the grapevine, that Area D may yet have a 3rd competitor in Wildwood resident Oleh Lazarchuk

School District #28 - Quesnel: The 7 up for grabs Board of Education Trustee seats are elected at large (vs by Zone in School District #27).  There are 8 candidates so far as follows:

1) Howie Schonke - incumbent
2) George Natalizio - incumbent
3) Tony Goulet - incumbent
4) Gloria Jackson - incumbent
5) David Jackson
6) Wendy Clement
7) Mitch Guitard
8) Julie-Anne Runge

School District #27 - Cariboo-Chilcotin: The 7 up for grabs Board of Education Trustee seats are elected by Zone.  Unless something drastic changes today - Zones 1,2, 3 and 7 will be acclaimed at 4pm today while Zones 4 and 5 will have election battles.  No one has filed for Zone 6.  Details below:

Zone 1 - Linda Nielsen
Zone 2 - Tanya Guenther
Zone 3 - Chris Pettman
Zone 4 - Christine Dyment vs Bev Goldstone
Zone 5 - Deb Bischoff vs Dr Sheila Boehm
Zone 6 - Vacant
Zone 7 - Joyce Cooper

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