Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cherish Your Democracy!

Yesterday, I stumbled onto a video almost made 3 years ago precisely by Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz with regard to our local democracy (Ms. Gaetz herself is seeking re-election for a 3rd consecutive term in a 3 way race and I hope that she wins too!)

As we have all watched - others in the world have fought for and in a lot of cases have died to have the voting privilege we have here in Canada...

I know it is easy to be cynical about those running for local government (ie: They're all the same... promise the moon but act differently once elected) - however we need to take as much interest in local elections as we do for provincial and federal elections... even more so given local governments affects us so profoundly (water, sewer, fire, garbage/recycling, recreation) than provincial/federal elections

Watch her video below (and I publicly thank Ms. Gaetz for doing a wonderful job in this video):

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