Friday, October 31, 2014

City of WL Encourages Residents To Have Their Say on BC 10-Year Transportation Plan

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake encourages all residents to provide their input to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s B.C. On the Move 10-year Transportation Plan.

The Province is developing the new 10-year plan to address the transportation network British Columbia uses to move people and goods with the following short-, medium-, and longer-term priorities:

1. Moving people and goods safely and reliably
2. Growing the economy
3. Connecting and strengthening communities
4. Maximizing collaboration and investment with partners, including First Nations, the federal government, regional and local governments, and the private sector.

The Province is welcoming feedback from B.C. residents until December 12, 2014. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will meet with key stakeholders, including First Nations, local governments, port and airport authorities and other community leaders, to talk about transportation issues that are important to them. Discussions will focus on opportunities for improvements to the transportation network that
can help build healthy, sustainable communities and support jobs and families in a growing provincial economy.

Input gathered from this public engagement process and from stakeholder meetings will be considered as government develops the new 10-year plan. The plan will be posted online in early 2015, and will set out a series of short, medium and longer-term priorities for government.

Those interested in providing feedback can do so in a number of ways:

• Information about regional and local transportation and an online survey are available at
• E-mail
• Phone 1-800-855-4850
• Mail P.O Box 3623 Vancouver Main, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3Y6
• At an upcoming Twitter Town Hall (to be announced by the Ministry).

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