Monday, October 13, 2014

Local Elections and Mountain Biking

In what I expect to be a series of public policy questions to be asked to those running for Williams Lake Council and those running in Cariboo Regional District -- Electoral Areas D and E...

The Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium asks candidates:

1. How will you support mountain biking if elected to office?

2. How do you see mountain biking supporting economic diversification in the region?

3. Do you support permanent funding and support for mountain biking in the Cariboo?

Answering for myself:

1) If elected, I will be pursuing funding for mountain biking through a variety of ways including the local Area 'D' Economic Development Function and potentially the Central Cariboo Recreation Function.  Eventually - I see more stable funds coming through a sub-regional Economic Development Function with potential participation from Electoral Areas/Muncipalities by the pooling of existing resources...

2) Mountain Biking could be an another 'tool in the toolbox' to broaden the 'economic pie' so no one sector is heavily relied upon by local government.  The money they spend here is good for the regional economy and thus lessen the reliance on the forest and mining sectors.  This too would apply to folks working in the Arts/Culture Sector

3) As stated in #1 - I would like to work towards a solution for more reliable funding but with the participation of my fellow CRD Directors and the municipal governments in the region and lobbying the Province to come on board as well

Read more here

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