Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mumford joins ALC Interior Panel

In today's Kamloops This Week (sister paper to Williams Lake Tribune) - they report that former Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Electoral Area 'K' Director Rick Mumford has been appointed by BC Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick to sit on the Agriculture Land Commission's Interior Panel

In addition to Mr. Mumford, former CRD Administrator Gordon Gillette and Lucille Dempsey will also sit on the panel

Read the full article here

Mr. Mumford was rumoured to be a candidate for Area 'K' of the CRD in this round of local government elections however as a provincial appointee on the ALC, he would normally be prevented from sitting as an elected official.

The extended nomination period for Area 'K' terminates at 4pm today.  Should the CRD receive no nomination for this Electoral Area - the CRD's Chief Election Officer would then have to go to the CRD Board of Directors for a formal appointment of a person to represent Electoral Area 'K' - as per the requirement of Section 78 of the Local Government Act as follows:

Appointment if an insufficient number of candidates are elected

78 (1) If there are fewer candidates declared elected by acclamation under section 76 than there are to be elected, the local government must appoint a person to each vacant office,

(a) in the case of a general local election, within 30 days after the first meeting of the local government at which the persons elected in the election are holding office, and
(b) in other cases, within 30 days after the first meeting of the local government after the declaration of the election results.

(2) If a local government fails to make an appointment required by subsection (1), or if there is no quorum of the local government able to make the appointment, the minister must appoint a person to each vacant office.

(3) A person appointed under this section

(a) must be qualified under section 66 to hold the office, and
(b) must reside in the municipality, electoral area or neighbourhood constituency, as applicable, at the time of appointment.

(4) A person appointed as a member of a local government under this section or any other provision of this Act has the same rights, duties and powers as a person elected as a member.

(5) An enactment that applies to an elected member of a local government applies to a person appointed under this section in the same manner as if the person had been elected at the election in relation to which the appointment is made.

Only the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) Board was the closest to using Section 78 of LGA a number of years ago when no one from the  TNRD's Blue River region came forward to represent that Electoral Area, however at the last minute, a resident of Kamloops came forward as a nominee for Blue River and thus was acclaimed.

We'll know if the CRD Board will make local government history today at 4pm...

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