Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 20th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Third quarter reports on agenda

Council received the third quarter reports on the following:

- Strategic Planning - Highlights include the parkland inventory which is complete and will be tendered in October; public meeting update on the West Quesnel Land Stability program and request for Phase II funding from the Federal Government; improved snow clearing practices to be implemented this winter season; design work on the new arena is ongoing and fundraising efforts have resumed; work on a 20-year model asset plan for Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Program.
- Financial update - The City’s financial position at September 30 showed the capital program is well underway and at this point, the overall operating budget is expected to be on target.
- Fire Department - Staff, volunteers and active members numbers; fire calls in the last quarter; training sessions; new recruits.
- Quesnel Visitor Centre - Statistics re visitor numbers; summer student summaries and experiences.
For report details are available on our website at www.quesnel.ca, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

Council approves lease renewals at the airport

CENTRAL MOUNTAIN AIR - A five-year Air Terminal Space Lease and Air Service Agreement with Central Mountain Air for scheduled air service at the Quesnel Regional Airport. Rent for the first year will be $1,896.40 (plus applicable taxes) with annual increases of 2%. Air Service Fees will also see a marginal increase.
WESTSIDE LOGGING LTD. - A twenty-year Lease term with Westside Logging Ltd. for a parcel of land measuring approximately 5,600 meters square at the Quesnel Regional Airport. Annual revenue for the first year will be approximately $6,000 with annual 2% increases.

Financial Plan amendment

Council proceeded with the first three readings of the City’s 2014 to 2018 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1749. Section 165 of the Community Charter requires the City to adopt by bylaw a Five year Financial Plan. Projects proposed during the year that were not in the original financial plan require approval of an amendment bylaw. Accordingly, in June 2014 Council approved the purchase of Cariboo Fields from the School District and approved the use of $100,000 from the parks reserve for the purchase.
Funds used from reserve funds must be accounted for in the financial plan bylaw. In addition to this change, Council was made aware of an expected adjustment to the Landfill liability accrual this year.

BC on the Move

The Province of British Columbia is developing a new 10-year provincial transportation plan called BC on the Move and are asking for the public to engage in the discussion to help identify the transportation opportunities and priorities ahead. Their goal is to continue to build our economy, connect our communities, protect our environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and provide infrastructure to meet the growing desire to travel by transit, walking or cycling. Residents are asked to complete a survey which is available online at www.quesnel.ca. The deadline for submissions is December 12, 2014.

Other News

- Council will send a letter of support to the Chamber for their 2015 Trade Show scheduled for May 8 - 10. The Chambers is applying for a Job Creation Partnership participant through EI and Work BC and the application asks for letters of support.
- Council approved the Development Variance Permit for a Minimum Lot Size Variance for 1275 and 1295 Highway 97 North, permitting two lots less than 1 hectare in size without community sewer as outlined in a Plan of Proposed Subdivision.
- Council denied a Development Variance Permit and Encroachment request for a building constructed without a permit at 836 Elgin Street.

October 31 to November 10 - Veterans Days

Important dates

November 11 - Remembrance Day

NEXT Regular Council Meeting:
Monday Nov. 3, 7 p.m.

NEXT Committee of the Whole Session:
Monday Oct. 27, 7 p.m.

NEXT North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Tuesday Nov. 4, 5:30 p.m.

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