Friday, October 17, 2014

WL City Council Candidate Survey Results

Earlier this week - I did an unbiased two day survey on the candidate for Williams Lake Mayor and City Councillor.

Before I share the results - a number of caveats...

1) The results are in no way scientific but represent those who participated so the results should be taken with a "grain of salt"

2) Pollsters in both BC and Alberta general elections predicted that both Opposition Parties in these two provinces would rout the governing political party and the final result showed that public support for these governing political parties (notwithstanding the pros/cons of the current electoral system - First Past the Post)

So - after two days, the survey results (bold font shows if election were held today who would be elected)

For the Office of Mayor - City of Williams Lake:
1) Walt Cobb - 134 of 275 responses
2) Surinderpal Rathor - 44 of 275 responses
3) None of the above - 33 of 275 responses
4) Kerry Cook - 24 of 275 responses
5) John Bjornstrom - 6 of 275 responses

For the Office of City Councillor - City of Williams Lake:
1) Scott Nelson - 130 of 275 responses
2) Jason Ryll - 127 of 275 responses
3) Tovi Pare - 126 of 275 responses
4) Craig Smith - 126 of 275 responses
5) Bobbie-Jo Macnair - 121 of 275 responses
6) Sue Lachance - 101 of 275 responses
7) Peter Bowman - 62 of 275 responses
8) Marnie Brenner - 53 of 275 responses
9) Ivan Bonnell - 46 of 275 responses
10) Laurie Walters - 44 of 275 responses
11) Sue Zacharias - 43 of 275 responses
12) Wayne Lucier - 36 of 275 responses

While I have heard disappointment with WL City Councillor Sue Zacharias and her comments in the Williams Lake Tribune earlier this week.  It is still, with the realm of possibilities, that 1 or more City Councillor incumbent can win, but time will tell as we get towards Nov 5th/10th (Advance Votes) and Nov 15th (General Voting) if this is possible..

As always - I encourage to stay aware of your local government race (City, CRD - Areas D/E, and SD27 - Zones 4, 5,6), ask questions or contact your local candidate for office and then make a decision accordingly.  Those of you who may be in CRD Area D or know of people in Area D can contact me at 267-6725 at any time or via email at


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