Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WL Council "Flip-Flops" on Lake Access?

Update at 7:12pm, Wed Oct 29th -- Local resident Matt Gertzen appeals to WL Mayor Kerry Cook and WL City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Danica Hughes, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias to reverse their decision from last night at the Nov 4th meeting as it relates to the closure of lake access on Dutch Point Rd - read his letter here

Original Blog Post:

At yesterday's Committee of the Whole meeting, City Staff presented an update report as to lake access from Dutch Point Rd (historical and current information) and gave Council 3 options -- Parallel Parking - 2 Versions and Right Angle Parking each with cost and other implications.  After discussing it for some time, WL Council adopted the following motion with Councillor Rathor opposed:

That Council direct staff to proceed with closure of vehicular lake access at Dutch Point Road; and further, that staff proceed with development of the “Right-angle Parking Option” as discussed in this report, through the 2015 regular budget process.

This Committee of the Whole recommendation will be considered for formal adoption at the Tuesday, November 4th WL City Council meeting - 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St)

Read the full Staff report here

Earlier today -- Williams Lake Mayoral Candidate (and local City Councillor) Surinderpal Rathor took to the airwaves and charged that his colleagues were "flip-flopping" on this matter, given this past Monday and yesterday -- Councillors Bonnell, Walters, Zacharias and Mayor Cook all agreed at All Candidates Forums that lake access was important to preserve and enhance

This is also being heavily discussed at WL Speak Up - Facebook page.  View that discussion here

It will be interesting to watch and see if Council bows to public pressure or sticks with tradition and ratifies the Oct 29th COW Resolution on Nov 4th..  and then watch to see if this affects the two Advance Votes on Nov 5th and 12th and the General Voting Day on Nov 15th

The Nov 4th Council Meeting is the final one prior to the Nov 15th Local Government Election


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