Tuesday, October 28, 2014

WL Mayoral Candidates Forum

Candidates present: John Bjornstrom, Walt Cobb, Kerry Cook, and Surinderpal Rathor

Other present: WL City Councillor candidates Jason Ryll, Tovi Pare, Bobbie-Jo Macnair, Craig Smith, Wayne Lucier, Scott Nelson, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias.  CRD Area 'D' Director candidate Steve Forseth and SD #27 Zone 4 Trustee Jackie Austin

Roughly 60 members of the public in attendance

Forum starts at 11:55am

Opening Comments by Moderator John Hack

2 min Opening Statements by the Mayoral Candidates

Question Period:

1) Define your vision as Mayor of Williams Lake on CCBAC
2) How will communicate municipal business to the general public and business community?
3) What is your vision for the lakeshore and downtown core and how will you implement this?
4) What is your vision for Arts/Culture? Editor's Note , video on this can be viewed here

Forum recessed at 12:32pm
Forum resumed at 12:47pm

5) Social needs vs Economic Development? Can we have both
6) If elected - will you keep taxes/spending low and how will you do this?
7) If elected - what will be your top 3 priorities as Mayor
8) Explain your position on the 'Corporate Vote'?

3 min Closing Statements by the Mayoral Candidates
Forum adjourned at 1:25pm

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