Monday, November 3, 2014

2nd WL Mayoral Forum

Candidates present - Kerry Cook (incumbent) , Walt Cobb, Surinderpal Rathor and John Bjornstrom

Others: CRD Area D Director candidates Steve Forseth/Pennie Daffurn, WL City Councillor candidates Craig Smith, Scott Nelson,Sue Lachance, Jason Ryll, Bobbie-Jo Macnair, Wayne Lucier, Laurie Walters and SD Zone 5 Trustee Sheila Boehm

Public: Roughly 175

Forum started at 6:30pm

Intro by Moderator Dale Taylor

Question Period:

1) Future of local Museum? - Cook
2) 17% property tax increase on time? - Cook
3) Long Term Debt level - Cook and Rathor
4) Level of historical Property Tax hikes - Rathor
5) Pool Referendum (2) - Rathor
6) Small Business -Cobb
7) Cariboo Lodge -Rathor
8) mt Polley - Cook
9) "Republic of Life" spending - Bjornstrom
10) Mt Polley & First Nations - Cobb
11) Legal costs - Cook
12) Celebrate Life rally - Rathor
13) Cariboo Lodge/Deni House history - Cobb
14) Revitalize Downtown core - Rathor
15) Support for Cultural Arts Centre - Cobb
16) CRD Relationship - Rathor vs Cook
17) MSP Premiums - Cook and Rathor
18) Ec Dev - Bjornstrom
19) Business Friendly City Hall - Cobb
20) Pool Referendum opinion - Cook
21) TRU WL Campus & Technology - Cobb

Forum recessed at 7:30pm
Forum resumed at 7:43pm

22) Long term plan for roads - Cook
23) Respondingg to residents inquiries - Rathor
24) CCBAC Leadership by WL Mayor - Cobb
25) Crime/Safety - Cook
26) CITA Agreement - Cobb
27) Fiscal Accountability - Rathor
28) Art Walk & Ec Dev - Cook
29) WL Community Forest - Cook
30) Road Potholes - Cook
31) Lake Access - Rathor
32) Council Relationship & Relationship between City Hall/residents - Cobb
33) Co-Gen Water Agreement with City of WL - Cook
34) Downtown core, how to improve? -Cobb
35) Support for Agriculture sector? - Cobb
36) Transportation Links to WL? - Cobb
37) Hire company to fill empty stores? - Cook
38) Tax breaks for industry? - Bjornstrom
39) Derelict buildings - Cook vs Rathor
40) BIA Relationship? - Cobb
41) First Nations relationship - Bjornstrom
42) Boitanio Mall major tenant - Cook
43) First Nation reconciliation - all candidates

Closing Comments (4 mins) - Bjornstrom, Rathor, Cobb, and Cook

Wrap up comments (voting locations, etc) by the Moderator

Forum concluded at 8:56pm

Editor's Notes:

1) Kudos for Dale Taylor for doing a yeoman's job as Moderator at the forum.  Bravo, Dale!!!

2) Interesting that after asking my question to Surinderpal Rathor about the Cariboo RD relationship, that Kerry Cook asked to rebut in reference to the Rural Fringe Fire Protection agreement question.  According to Cook, we now know it was her and Laurie Walters opposed to Council's actions...

3) Kerry Cook did not, in my view, do herself any favours by arguing with the moderator about a question on First Nations Reconciliation.  Moderators generally calls all the shots on forum proceedings... but I don't expect that it will have any negative impact on her re-election chances...

Finally - Walt Cobb speaks on tonight's forum from his perspective here while Rathor speaks his mind on the forum here

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