Thursday, November 13, 2014

CRD Fin/Budget Ctme Mtg #1 (2015 Budget - Morning Session)

Present: Chair J. Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Rattray, Sharpe, Bonnell and Alternate Director Roodenburg (Quesnel)


J. Bell- CAO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
S. Reid - CFO

Meeting called to order at 9:12am
Meeting Agenda approved

Consideration of the Draft 2015 Business Plans:

2015 Draft Business Plans approved unanimously

a) Airports
b) Contributions
c) Development Services
d) Environment Services (Bus Plan Goal added to start Recycling in Wells in 2015)
e) Protective Services (with amendments approved at the meeting)
f) Sewer
g) Streetlighting
h) Water
i) Library
j) Heritage Conservation

CC Arts/Culture 2015 Business Plan approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Chair J. Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Massier, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Rattray, Sharpe, Bonnell, Campsall and Alternate Director Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Negative - Area D Director D. Bischoff & Area 'E' Director B. Kemp

Meeting adjourned to lunch at 12:05pm

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