Wednesday, November 26, 2014

End of a Era...

At last night's final Williams Lake City Council meeting for the 2011-2014 Term - Mayor Kerry Cook along with City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Geoff Bourdon, Danica Hughes, Surinderpal Rathor, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias gave term end reports.

Both incoming Williams Lake City Councillors Scott Nelson and Craig Smith watched from the public gallery

While most gave reports around how they saw the 2011-14 term progress - Councillor Laurie Walters said an emotional goodbye to Mayor Cook and Councillors Rathor, Bourdon and Hughes while acknowledging continuing with Councillors Bonnell and Zacharias

Councillor Sue Zacharias, who will be continuing for another term, asked the new City Council to not forget about the social needs of the community while Mayor Cook in her term-end report called on the next City Council to take up the torch of First Nations relations and carry that forward in the 2014-2018 Term.  This was acknowledged, by way of nod, of incoming Williams Lake City Councillors Craig Smith and Scott Nelson

While it will be sad not to see Surinderpal Rathor in local government circles in the next term- it will be interesting to observe where the 2014-2018 Williams Lake City Council takes the community over the next 4 years... but I know, in talking with incoming Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb, that the Cariboo Regional District/City of Williams Lake relationship is one of his priorities, moving forward

I personally wish Geoff Bourdon, Danica Hughes, Surinderpal Rathor and Kerry Cook the very best in their future endeavours and I'm looking forward, as the incoming CRD Area 'D' Director, to working with the new 2014-18 Williams Lake City Council as we all work together for the betterment of the Central Cariboo region.

The 2014-2018 Williams Lake City Council will be sworn into office on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 at 6pm in Williams Lake Council Chambers


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